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  • Posts

    • I'm trying out some new drivers to replace my 10 year old gamer. I hit the ball pretty far and with a R11S, I am looking for something newer to see if there is a noticeable difference in distance. I hit a few today with the new Qi10 and it seemed like it was similar (or even less) than my current driver. How much could I attribute that to (1) hitting off mats and rubber tees, (2) swinging the club 5 times and that is it, and (3) having a stiff shaft (non-fitted XS) rather than a fitted club. Just trying to see if I should go to a fitter to get fit into a driver to display accurate numbers (I definitely will) or if it would only bump up by 10 yards or so it not being something to worry about.
    • 40 - diff 12  😏 First round in 4months and only my 3rd round all year. Coulda been a lot better, coulda been worse.  FW: 5/7 GIR: 5/9 putts: 19 (one three-putt). I missed a 4 footer and a 6 footer I’d like to have back. 
    • Day 612, July 7, 2024 Went downtown for about four hours this morning. Settled in with some 9I, hit a lot of 6I, hit some more 9I near the end, and finished up with a few drivers (before a palate cleansing 6I). I'll post over in my Member Swing topic with a few pictures from GSPro, but… overall, pretty good. Not quite where I'd like it, but essentially, I have to re-acquaint myself with the idea that the face needs to feel 45° open at impact.
    • Remember it's not just down to the ground, it's like 45° back away from the ball/target.
    • We played with two local guys who said they didn't really like the course either. Fun to play with them as they were smashing it 300 yds off the tee. We started out planning to go to AS, and on a future visit we will make it down there. Thanks for recommendation.
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