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Whole New Setup

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Hey guys I just started searching around today for some help on getting a whole new setup.

I am a highschooler heading off to college (Bucknell University) next year with a golf course on campus and I am looking to hopefully get a set of clubs as an early graduation gift. I generally play about 15 times a year or less and have pretty good hands so I am a decent player but just never get out enough to be consistent. Yet the golf course on campus next year has me excited to play and I can't shoot to save my life with my dads clubs (or bring them to school).

So I am looking for some midranged clubs, something not too pricey. Also something a little more forgiving that will hopefully keep me out of the woods the majority of the round.

I've been hitting my dad's TM r5 driver which I hit well with if that helps on the driver front and I like the Mizuno irons.

My dads irons are Armour and I want nothing to do with anything like them, it might be that they are outdated or that I am now 2 inches taller than him but they just don't work for me.

As for size I am about 6'2 and 185lbs and growing.

I am open to all suggestions and appreciate all the help I can get.

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I would get fitted first before buying clubs. Just based on your height, you might need to get longer clubs than standard length. As for finding good deals on gear, you can always get last years (or prior years) version of clubs or go the used route. One of our sponsors has some pretty good deals on closeout clubs: http://www.naileditgolf.com/cat/Closeouts_50.aspx

Get fitted first though. Golf is much easier playing clubs that are fitted for your physical makeup and swing.

Good luck!

Alan Olson

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I agree with the guy above. Get fitted man and if you like the R5 try out a R9.. Its alot cheaper then the R11 and its a very good driver. If you wanna spend the cash though, I love my R11 lol

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Note: This thread is 4814 days old. We appreciate that you found this thread instead of starting a new one, but if you plan to post here please make sure it's still relevant. If not, please start a new topic. Thank you!

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