it is true that the "gifted" typically make horrible teachers. they haven't had to take the time to process what all the neat lingo really means. i played soccer for many years and finally decided to get into coaching. i was fortunate enough that a coach i was working with stopped me the first time i started saying "hips square to target" "plant foot aim" and any of the other thousand keys that came to me so naturally. he asked me to explain to him how i got there, where did the action start, and why each mattered. it opened my eyes to a truer understanding of the skill and what it entailed and to not just assuming something i take for granted is easy. it has taught me to start simple and keep the terminology simple with younger or begining players. to use words that anyone can understand and above all to demand that the players ask questions like "why".
when i went to take my first golf lesson the pro spent about the first ten minutes just talking to me about my background, where i felt my swing was, and where i wanted to get to. when i explained that i was a coach and wanted things from the very basic explained in terms that a 5th grader would understand he had a nice laugh. he said that many of his students came in after reading golf mags and playing with friends and wanted his lessons to match the things they had heard and read. they want to hear "hip rotation", "thru the ball", "spine angle". they didn't care about things like balance. my whole first lesson was basic balance and take away to hip level. after videoing some practice swings he found that i had the clubhead at about a 15 degree angle away from my body at hip level instead of the whole club pointing to the target line. that one tip has helped me more then anything. when i start spraying the ball around i can just take a few slow take backs to hip level and it usually sets me right.
the whole point of this post is that we the consumer have some responsibility to ask questions and see if this is someone that we can comminicate with. you don't want a pro that speaks from on high or uses terms you don't really understand. hunble yourself as a student so that you can learn but also demand that they teach and not just recite!