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Everything posted by Grunnsetning

  1. I do not agree with taking in low carbs just to take in low carbs. I DO agree with cutting out junk food sugar though. There is nothing better than just a clean diet. Take in a decent amount of everything but make it all natural clean foods and you'll be fine and feel better while doing it IMO.
  2. Maybe if this said guy was a hardcore lifter and took a break. But even then hard to believe. Theres people that lift for years to get that high.
  3. Nice, tapatalk is very convenient.
  4. I have gained and dropped weight countless times. Obviously watching what you eat (just staying away from cheese and mayo and candy bars helps a ton) and exercising will work. But i have never dropped weight as fast as i did doing nutrisystem mixed with exercise. The calorie deficit will be around 2000 a day which is a ton. Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk
  5. Without a doubt you need to cut back a ton. I run 10-14 miles a week and i can not lose weight without eating under 2500 or so calories and thats only days i run or workout. If i am doing neither then i need to be under 2000. What you listed is probably 5000 or more.
  6. I just recently started working more often and started focusing on my mid and lower back. It has helped a ton. I occasionally get a deep tissue head, neck and back massage. Had zero pain this past weekend when i played.
  7. I don't know if that thing would fit in my bag lol
  8. I have a taylormade burner 4 (21 degree maybe) and even though I haven't played with it a whole lot I absolutely love it. http://shop.taylormadegolf.com/products/N10581
  9. I made that comment just Monday while playing.
  10. Agreed, I am 31 and just starting to get heavy into golf and in a few years when my 7 month old gets a little older I hope he wants to play.
  11. I use free caddie also and it works great. I have the 9.99 paid version. It does use a lot of battery but I have a portable charger that I bring if I want to leave it on the whole time.
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