You're exactly right, they have dominated the ranked teams they played. They crushed Maryland, Clemson and Miami.
This is my opinion, I think if you put teams like Missouri, Stanford and I'll even throw in a resurrected USC team into the ACC, that they could run the table as well. And would win by a large margin as well.I think Clemson was a little over rated just as Miami was. Clemson only glory this year was beating Georgia by 3, other than that, they played a played a pretty soft schedule, and got exposed by a great FSU team.
If any team goes into an offensive battle with Bama, their odds of winning is slim to none. Thats why I think Stanford has a better shot.
Being a Vols fan, I hate Bama more than you can imagine. We've had so many "so-called" UT fans jump ship to the Bama bandwagon, because times have been tough for the Vols for the last few years. Many Bama fans tend to forget that 10 year stretch between Gene Stallings and Nick Saban and how bad they really were. They lost to UL-Monroe for God's sake!