Had a session with the Pro last night. He's upgraded his video capture so I will post that when he emails it to me later. Watching the swing, there is a fair bit to like about it....except at impact.
I have "the flip".
So we had a long talk about the 2 lever principle. I am dropping into a single lever position as the clubhead gets level with my right foot and then feeling for the ball hence the flip.
This is going to be the hardest thing for me to convert from cricket hitter to golf swinger. I didn't get it last night and right now I'm not sure I will ever get it. As I lay awake last night pondering my dilema I realised that cricket is a one lever game, especially when it comes to hitting straight down the ground. I have been coached since the first time I picked up a bat to keep the left elbow high and the right hand pushing through for power. It has been ingrained for 25 years so it will be bloody hard to break.
So the Pro and I are looking for ideas. Things that may help reset my noggin and have me rotating my forearms properly and releasing the club properly through impact. Swing thoughts, drills, crazy ideas or hypnotherapy are all valid suggestions.
Help me lose the flip.