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About DevilDog21

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    Overland Park, KS

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  • Index: 10.7
  • Plays: Righty

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  1. DevilDog21


  2. Improve my all around game to a single digit handicap. Really need to focus on GIR and putts. 2012 Stats: Driving Accuracy - 54% (27% miss left, 19% miss right) GIR - 25% (Yes that's terrible) Putts per round - 33 (Also terrible considering I don't hit many greens!)
  3. I know this is an old thread, but I leave in 6 days to go play DelMonte, Spyglass, and Pebble. Since it's been a while since anyone ahs posted here about playing PB, I'll give my thoughts upon my return. I doubt much has changed regarding the service or experience.
  4. Tough course, but a lot of fun to play if like a challenge. You're lucky to be so close to it!
  5. Adam Scott -8 Luke Donald - 9 Graeme McDowell - 10
  6. Now a course that's NOT worth the money....Blue Monster! Played it a couple years ago and not anything close to being worth $325. I honestly felt slightly robbed after.
  7. No golf in LA, had to surrender that debate to the wife and agree to good family and friends time. My friends wife is from LA, and they both went to USC so we'll just hang out and experience LA for a few days.
  8. Couldn't agree more with this statement. I have no desire to retire outside of where my family is at and I'd rather travel the world with the money saved. That being said, there's nothing saying a person can't do both. Personally, I have a goal of playing golf in every state and a list of must play courses. That goal will be balanced with the other goals in life such as retirement, world travel, paying off the house, sending kids to college, etc., however there's nothing saying I won't accomplish them all and still have plenty left over. Every person has their own priorities and similar to iacas' statement, there was a buddy of mine who turned down going on the trip and instead is planning on going to the Masters next year. He'd rather go watch the Masters than play Pebble. His choice, his life, and not the slightest bit ridiculous or wrong.
  9. Excellent response, and I couldn't agree more. It wasn't the easiest of decisions for us to make as we wanted to go to Greece instead. The breaking point came when I saw my father in law light up about it, and then 5 of my longtime friends and golf buddies got serious about making it a group trip with their wives. We now have everything booked for 7 golfers and their better halves to go and enjoy it together. We still have one open spot on our tee time in which I'm hoping a buddy living in China can make it to play. That being said, if it were just a trip for my wife and I....I'd be somewhere else like you.
  10. I would completely agree with you if you were going to play just Pebble. We decided to add the other courses and make a trip to LA as well, so it's worth it in my mind....at least that's how I justify it. My next trip with the guys will be to Bandon Dunes to save on $$$, but since there's not much else to do besides golf there the wives won't be going.
  11. Sign up for the Duke's Club and you get pretty big discounts at Spyglass, DelMonte, and Spanish Bay for you and your foursome. It's around $250 to join the club but a foursome will save that with one round of golf at Spyglass. I think the costs go from $250 to $150 per person. Since you have to stay at the resort for 2 nights to get an advance tee time, then stay in the "Partial Garden View" room at Spanish Bay and I think it's around $550 or $600 which you can split with a golf buddy and it helps make the trip much more reasonable.
  12. Congrats! That's one heck of a pick!!
  13. As of 2010 Metro Population was 2.1 million. I would have to agree that Stone Canyon and Shoal Creek are probably the best public 2 courses on the MO side.
  14. Tiger Woods +1 Luke Donald +2 Phil Mickleson +3
  15. The Kansas City Metro area is close to 3 million people and there are a ton of golf courses. Come play in KC, the weather is perfect!
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