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    Fort McMurray Alberta

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  1. Rednax1530


  2. I have a KZG SPX that i would like done.. not sure about the graphics yet
  3. I think it looks great! Are you interested in doing other driver paint jobs?
  4. Thats awsome GolfGuy! I have heard allot of great things about Mizuno so I think you will be very happy with your purchase! Got any pictures? I actually just picked up my new clubs a couple weeks ago and the golf courses here are just starting to open up the driving ranges so I think I will be going out to hit them more tomorrow! Again, congrats on your purchase! Got any pictures of your set? Mitch G
  5. It's really hard to say what irons would be best for you. The thing I would recommend most would be to go to a major golf centre near you and try out lots of different types of iron sets. The other thing which might be good is if it's within your budget, get a fitting session. A fitting session will help ensure you have or get the right flex of golf shaft as well as the right length for what you should be swinging. It will also help you get the proper lie angle on your clubs. I have been looking at the Callaway Razrs because I have a friend that is considering purchasing a set. I have not personally swung any of them but from all the reviews I've read and the additional information they seem to be performing up to the expectations that have been set. Hope this helps, I know it's probably a bit vague. Mitch G
  6. Glad to have you on here FivePutt! Its always great to have more people interested in the sport as well as diving right into forums like these! There are many experienced people on here with some great advice! Mitch G
  7. I know what you mean. Some of them seem to be very positive. and then others have really had bad experiences with them. The best thing to do would be to try them out before buying them to see if they were right for you.. Not sure if thats possible for these at all... Mitch G
  8. These are skins too, including one that looks like Bubbas.. But some interesting ideas
  9. Check these reviews.. http://www.golfgearreview.com/reviews/Manufacturer-Henry%20Hatton-Category-Irons.html http://www.freegolfinfo.com/forums/tm.aspx?m=704687&mpage;=1&key;=
  10. Good to know Jamie. I have never airbrushed anything. Is it relatively simple for someone to do who is proficient in airbrushing? Unless your interested in doing them through the mailing system.. What area are you from? Mitch G
  11. I think if you got proficient at doing these detailed driver customizations, you could make a decent side business out of it! I'm actually thinking of starting up a business eventually for fitted mid to high end clubs, and would consider this as a part of it or maybe find someone who would do these personal clubs to contract that too. How do these paint jobs stand up to wear a tear out on the golf course? Mitch G
  12. No problem, if they end up working out for you and the finish lasts good for you I would be interested in getting a driver done as well if your interested. I'll of course pay the shipping and what not if you are willing to do that. Let me know. Mitch G
  13. Depending on how the clubs already fit you would effect how much the fitting and adjusting would cost. The main parts of a fitting in my opinion consist of your club shaft length and flex as well as the club lie which is the angle your club is adjusted effecting how flat your club sits on the ground. If you have to change your shaft length or flex then the price can vary greatly depending on the shafts you decide to go with. And adjusting the lie is often relatively simple for a proper club maker. If you have any questions about the process or costs I would suggest contacting a golf center near you that can perform these adjustments. Mitch G
  14. Well I think it all depends on your opinion for the background color. Check out this thread that another guy did on an old driver of his. http://thesandtrap.com/t/55592/old-driver-new-paintjob I think the ones that you did are pretty good too, I personally don't feel that it would be distracting for me when addressing the ball but thats all personal opinion. Now if you were going to do an emblem or some kind of symbol you would probably want the backdrop to be fairly simple so it doesn't take away from the main part of the picture. Even the blue sample you have would be good for something like that I think. I really like that finish! You can also check out this site! http://www.gctgolf.com/artwork.html They have some pretty good ideas. The possibilities are limitless Mitch G
  15. If you wanted to be patriotic you could always do your country flag or something of that sort. Or an emblem that means something to you. Family name or initials with a classy backdrop.... Mitch G
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