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naples golf18

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About naples golf18

  • Birthday 11/30/1988

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  1. oakmont rolls a 15 on the stimpmeter for its members, but the pros had to have them slow it down for the open. now that is sad.
  2. driver-295 3wood-275 3iron-235 4-220 5-205 6-190 7-180 8-165 9-155 pw-140 52-125 56-115 60-90
  3. i would get some new technogly like mp-67 or 32's but not 14s
  4. i play a v2 in my driver and 3 wood and there is nothing close out of all the shafts i tried. v2 is a great shaft easy to hit.
  5. try the kzg forged evolution its a blended set that i play. at a 2 handicap i would highly suggest them they are so forgiving and very playable they are top of the line.
  6. proforce v2 with any head will be good, cause the shaft is what make your club work, so any clubhead will be good.
  7. scratch golf has a very nice set of blades. and they are the softest clubs in golf.
  8. i have a 12-15 yard difference as well with 4 wedges.
  9. i hope he does guy, i hate phil... but stricker is a very consistent player, he can do it.
  10. wilson 1200lt taylormade rac os2 kzg forged evolution
  11. chopra has been really impressive during the fall classic and now.
  12. they will make him a set of what ever he wants, but adams signed rory and babbs, so they are spending money and trying to get some good players.
  13. wilson staff were great clubs....were they need to get a couple of decent players to help harington. and they should go back to the more of a players club.
  14. clubs and gps wont lower your handicap, just practice.
  15. very nice looking club. bet it plays well too.
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