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Everything posted by 518TitleistX

  1. 518TitleistX


  2. #1) Nike VRPro Blades 3I-PW with Project X 6.0 shafts softstepped 1x with black/white NDMC grips +2 wraps. They are +1/2" and 3* upright and in immaculate condition. $455 SHIPPED!!!! #2,3,&4) Nike VRForged wedges 52.10, 56.14 and 60.10 black oxide wedges with ProjectX 6.5 shafts softstepped 2x with black/white NDMC grips +2 wraps. They are also +1/2" and 3* upright. The oxide has begun to rust as its designed to do but the wedges have been used a total of maybe 15 rounds ever. $150 for the set of 3, $60 each if sold separately...OR since im feeling generous, if purchased along with the VRPro Blades a package price of $575shipped!! #5) Nike Covert Tour 1.0 3W (Head only) . comes with headcover and adjuster tool. $40 shipped #6) Titleist 906F2 18* 5W with Grafalloy BiMatrix 80g X-flex (orange shaft) plays to 42" with Z-cord grip +2 wraps comes with a 906f headcover but says 19* on the tag instead of 18*. This club was JUST built by Joey2aces on here and I purchased for $150. have played 3 rounds with it and I LOVE the club, but could use the money better elsewhere currently. $99 shipped Nike Covert Tour 2.0 Driver - 44.5" with Diamana D+ stiff shaft tipped 1/2". comes with Headcover and Adjustment wrench. Asking $175 shipped! [IMG] https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10915289_10153467586437802_3148348321323713368_n.jpg?oh=2e802fde6a40aa49b659c7f6a6cc28e5&oe;=5527EA49&__gda__=1428230751_f7515009d251085d7bce1e4bfe0c24b3[/IMG] [IMG] https://scontent-b-lga.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10444725_10153467586502802_7949464475647025382_n.jpg?oh=ac634669b558ee61ce85ff97c9856bc7&oe;=5567969F[/IMG] [IMG] https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10425024_10153467586542802_5560850818343907652_n.jpg?oh=8f539e7967b5d22e0831802977ee80a2&oe;=5569D41C&__gda__=1428751481_5ff58bfd4f7415bdeb65a50f067bd84a[/IMG] [IMG] https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10882336_10153467586627802_3265890539139104206_n.jpg?oh=e91ebef74dfd2dd2d7432e66a1fe0115&oe;=5533EB5A&__gda__=1428776719_ac037baee19a2d23675fb765f97a87b1[/IMG] [IMG] https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10355860_10153467586667802_7794621989094496030_n.jpg?oh=d521001654672face4a9a522c5605ddb&oe;=552B8CD4&__gda__=1430122946_c351030ee852bab8fe27ddbc143a9dff[/IMG]
  3. the 20xi and the one rzn are horrendous... this years tour level balls are a HUGE improvement over the 20xi and the one rzn... look at the rzn platinum (prov1 equivalent) or the rzn black (prov1x equivalent) the black feels a bit harder but the platinum is near perfection in a ball... spins plenty around the greens and flies well even into a headwind. only drawback is the price at 45$/dozen but a great ball in my opinion
  4. played 9 both yesterday and 9 more today... yesterday it looked as if id never picked up a club in my life... 2 pars, a couple bogeys and a littering of doubles and triples.... today on the other hand I lipped out a 3.5 footer on #1 then proceeded to par in for a 1 over par 37. 3042 yards (forward white tees) par 36 126 slope rating course literally opened for the year yesterday. Fairways: 3/7 GIR: 5/9 putts: 15
  5. launch monitor was the zelocity purelaunch like the one seen in this listing here : http://www.ebay.com/itm/Zelocity-PureLaunch-*********-Launch-Monitor-/261429769655?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash;=item3cde6db5b7 I cant speak to the accuracy in spin or clubhead speed, however for real world yardages It seemed to be spot on when on the course... 6 iron being 185 etc...
  6. ive been playing velocitys, prov1's or v1x's for the past few years. this year I purchased an entire new set of Nike clubs and have decided to give the new RZN Platinum and RZN Black balls a try. we shall see how this experiment goes over the next couple months!
  7. I own a set of 712MB's with the KBS Tour Stiff shafts and also have a set of the new Nike VRPro blades with ProjectX 6.0 shafts soft stepped 1x. Both sets are works of art. I love both sets and I wouldn't care which I played.
  8. I hadn't seen the reply to this thread previously. I'll be glad to answer any questions you have! I was fitted at northway8golf.com. launch monitor analysis with everything I did.
  9. 52.10, 56.14, AND 60.10 Nike VR Forged wedges. Black oxide finish. +1/2" 2* upright. ProjectX 6.5 shafts soft-stepped 2x also received new Nike VR-S Staff Bag today as well as 35" Nike Method 001 putter. All Nike in 2014. should be an amazing year.
  10. give the titleist 913Fd a try. very smooth feeling club with plenty of length. just picked up a 43" 15* 913Fd with the Diamana D+ whiteboard in Stiff and was putting them out there 280yds after rollout and carrying it 260+.
  11. 43" 913Fd 15* with a diamana whiteboard shaft, midsize NDMC blk/wht grip, and a bucket of range balls.
  12. the lower lofted club usually will drop launch angle as well as spin rates.
  13. to the OP... i was just fitted and ordered the exact setup you did... KBS tour stiff shafts with 4-pw 712MB's (+1/2" 3* upright) and gained yardage, workability and accuracy over the original AP1's i was gaming with DGR300HL shafts in them. after hitting the MB's on the range the past few weeks i can say now that im very much looking forward to this upcoming golf season more than any other of recent memory. i have nearly revamped my entire bag this winter changing every club but my 3wood, 52* wedge and scotty cameron putter ( however i purchased 2 other scotty camerons off ebay, i modded my 52* to a 51* and im considering trading in my 15* 910f for a 15* 913fd. anyways good luck with the new sticks and score low!
  14. i can always butt trim the new one when it comes in if i feel its too long or throwing me off. my height is one reason i prefer the extended shafts (I'm 6'3")... with a 46" driver i can stand a bit more upright which is more comfortable on my back. the 45" im hunched over just ever so slightly more so every bit helps. i play a bomb and gouge style of golf anyways, as the rough here in upstate ny isnt all that penalizing and i tend to hit better than 50% of my fairways as it is. as far as trading in the 910, i was told id get 74$ as a trade in on it... im considering selling just the head and keeping the 7C3 project x shaft as a backup to the new RIP shaft. ive got a couple weeks to think things over before the new club arrives.
  15. ok so with my tax returns fast approaching, i decided i was going to kill some time on my day off and head to my local proshop and do an impromptu driver test on all the latest and greatest. i had no intentions of purchasing anything today, but i did end up ordering something new for the bag for 2013. heres a list of the clubs i hit today. 9.5* 910D2 46" Project x 7C3 set to A1 (current gamer) 9.5* 913D2 45" Aldila RIP Alpha set to C2 (8.75* loft, .75* more upright) 9.5* 913D3 45" Aldila RIP Phenom set to A1 9.5* RAZRFit Xtreme 45" Aldila Trinity Stiff flex 9.5* ANSER 45" Fujikura Blur Stiff flex 8.5* Covert performance 45" kuro Kage X-stiff flex 50 gram 8.5* Covert Tour 45" Kuro Kage X-stiff flex 60gram on my current driver (910D2) im using a 46" set-up as i gained 10-15 yards or so of length over my previous 44.75" 907D2 driver. i figured it was going to be tough trying out the new drivers with a shorter shaft as itd skew the results a little.... ehhhh not so much. an average swing for me is anywhere from 103-108mph.. if i really go after it i have seen up to 117mph. This is just north of albany, NY and its 27* outside and im using an outdoor range with frozen range balls so keep that in mind when reading the results. basic stats with current driver 104mph swing speed 152mph ball speed 269 carry 282 overall. 3400rpm spin. i have used this club for the past 2 years and havent had any complaints, i just figured id see what all the hype was about with the new stuff and see if things really had improved a ton. so i asked to hit the 913.. i love my titleist gear and it was going to take alot to get me out of my trusty 910. he hands me a 913D3 with the RIP Phenom shaft in it. 105mph swing speed 151 ball speed 265 carry 279 overall. 3650 spin solid feel, louder than the 910.. a more sharp pitch at contact. didnt like how the shaft loaded though. still a very respectable output for a shorter club with a foreign shaft etc... he then brings out the anser with the blur shaft in it and asked me to hit that to see if itd drop the spin rates...it sure did. 106mph swing speed 155 ball speed 272 carry 288 overall 2850 spin this thing is the real deal. very solid shaft and head combo for me. felt long and smooth. i loved the look of the matte black head as well. i was shocked that the shorter driver was out performing the 910 i was fit for not very long ago... the fitter surprises me and says just for the hell of it try hitting this.. and hands me the Covert Tour set to 8.5* with the Kuro Kage X stiff in it... the KK felt whippier than the phenom in the 913... figured what the hell and hit a few shots with it. the lighter shaft sped up the swing speed but i couldnt find the center of the face it seemed... 109mph swing speed 154 ball speed. 268 carry 274 overall 3800 spin obviously not the right combo for me. he takes the club and hands me what looks nearly identical to it and says ok now hit this... the Covert performance with the 50 gram x-stiff set to 8.5* first swing was BOMBED.. 111.3 swing speed 158 ball speed 276 carry 290.2 overall 3250 spin obviously not the best contact but the longest of the day to that point... thing is a very good performer. nike has a winner on their hands with this one.... but my gripe with the nike clubs is the audible sound or lack thereof off the face. its extremely muted compared to everything else i hit. when i hit a driver i want to know i hit something....not have it be a dull "thwack"... i expressed this sentiment to the fitter and he hands me the cally razr fit extreme 9.5* with the trinity shaft in it. looks are a bit gawdy for my tastes with the metallic greenish gold tint to it but i figured what the hell im only hitting clubs today anyways... 108mph swing speed 156 ball speed 272 carry 285 overall 3400 spin this one you DEFINITELY knew you hit something. it sounded like a rock clanking off a 55gallon metal barrel. very nicely weighted club and had a solid feel to it, but just wasnt for me. it wasnt nice enough to evict my 910 from the bag. so i figure id pack up and move on for the day and he says as im taking off my glove, why dont you hit the 913D2... i said i thought i already hit the 913... he said yes you hit the D3.... i didnt even think about that at first so i figured it couldnt hurt... he sets the club up in 9.5* C2 with a 45" 60gram Aldila RIP Alpha shaft (C2 drops loft to 8.75* while making the lie more upright and closes the face slightly.) i wasnt expecting much difference from the D3, however i was mistaken.... 106mph swing speed 159mph ball speed 279 carry 295 overall 2770 spin OH...MY....GOODNESS..... i saw the ball flight comming off this setup and giggled. 12.2* launch angle and it just kept going. i had to hit 30 balls with this setup and they were just bullets comming off the face. i didnt wanna give it back. my only concern with the club was that id been so used to gaming a 46" driver for the past few years and how the 45" would possibly throw me off... he said so lets just order the shaft in a 46" setup.... which obviously makes perfect sense... add more yardage on top of the longest club id hit all day...the thought of that had me too hyped up to object so i told my fitter to order up a new 913 for me...the specs as follows... Titleist 913D2 8.5* 46" Aldila RIP Alpha Stiff with Titleist Tour Velvet built up to midsize. (we decided to go with the 8.5* head rather than play a 9.5* turned down to 8.75*) i wasnt swinging out of my shorts today.. its been a long week at work and didnt have the energy to be hitting over 100 balls with various drivers at a 115mph swing speeds... the 105 range seemed to be working well for me anyways it would appear haha. I specifically chose not to hit any taylor made clubs as i know i will never be purchasing them. i detest looking down at the white club heads and every Tmag driver ive hit in the past just doesnt perform as well as the 910 i currently own. CLIFF NOTES!!!!! hit a bunch of different drivers with no intentions of buying, ended up shelling out 428$ for a new 913
  16. ok so its 26* outside and snowing here near albany, ny. so whats on the agenda for my day off? going to the local indoor golf dome to hit 4 buckets of course. i just got home from the indoor range with the new clubs and all i can say is WOW. THESE. ARE. PERFECT. hitting the irons very flush and figuring out things with my swing that the old set of ap1's were masking. the SM4 wedge is a serious piece of equipment. it was routinely ripping the cover off of rock hard range balls. id have to stop every 15-20 shots to clean the ball cover bits out of the grooves. I cant wait to get some warm weather and actually play a round or 3 with these. its going to be a great year in 2013!
  17. no such thing as a crappy pic of golf equipment! nice bag man!
  18. after re-reading my post it came off kind of snotty.. i apologise i didnt mean it to come off that way, and thank you. i appreciate the props... i love my gear and cant wait to get out and play but ive been on a layoff since the 2nd week of october due to weather here in upstate NY. end of march/april before course start to open around here. there is however an indoor range that ill be going to tomorrow and i CAN NOT WAIT! haha
  19. personally, id drop the 50* gap wedge and pick up a 52* vokey to fix the gap issue... weaken the 45* p-wedge to a 46* (bent weak) and just run with that... personal preference of course
  20. call me a fanboi or whatever you will, but i use what works for me. i love the feel and im a firm believer that playing one brand with components made to work together will help you play your best. after dropping 8-10 strokes a round on average after switching to ALL Titleist equipment id say my theory is correct.
  21. I finally received my order for what will be my 2013 gamers. here we go: Driver: Titleist 910D2 9.5* 46" Project X 7C3 6.0, played in A1 bought this club 2 years ago and I cant find anything worth buying to kick it out of the bag. 3Wood: Titleist 910F 15* 43" Project X 8C4 6.0, played in C3 5Wood: Titleist 904F 19* 42" YS-6 R-flex (yes i know it has a 906f headcover) 3Hybrid: Titleist 910H 21* 39" Diamana 'Ahina 90HYB S-flex I was absolutely hitting laser beams with this thing during the fitting to the tune of 235yd carry and 250yd overall consistently. it will not leave my bag for a VERY VERY long time. Irons: Titleist 712MB Forged irons KBS Tour Stiff 4-PW +1/2" 3* upright Wedges: Titleist Vokey SM2 Black nickel 52.08* DG S200 Titleist Vokey SM4 Black nickel 58.09* DG S200 Putters: Titleist Scotty Cameron 35" Studio Select Squareback #2 Red "Baby T" grip Titleist Scotty Cameron 35" Catalina #2 The Bag: Titleist Midsize Staff Bag Miscellaneous: balls/gloves/divot tool/ hat sorry for soo many pics. now its time for NY to get above freezing so i can go out and get some practice in!
  22. how many shafts do you have? 3-pw? tip size? .355 or .370?
  23. my honest suggestion is to look at the KBS tour shafts... they make an "R+" shaft thats in between regular and stiff. its about $15 per club upcharge for the shaft over the dynamic golds, but might fit you alot better! best of luck! ~Travis
  24. in the last 2 weeks ive purchased $1487.83 worth of new clubs from my local proshop. 4i-PW of titleist MB712's, a vokey 58.09 spin milled SM4 in black oxide, and a 910H 21* hybrid... someone save me...and my wallet from my club whoring addiction!!!!
  25. So for Christmas i received a few gift cards to my local proshop which i promptly went out and spent on a band spankin new shiny set of Titleist 712MB's. 4i-PW +1/2" 3* upright KBS Tour Stiff shafts with GolfPride Decade multi-compound whiteouts...etc... well i placed the order for them on 12/30 and was told 3-4 weeks. i got a call yesterday saying they had come in... tonight i head down there after work and was given the opportunity to hit a couple to see how they felt and track some yardages with the new clubs on the launch monitor...what stuck out to me though is that the 4 iron was a 195yard carry, 205 ish overall. that left a HUGE gap between the 4 iron and my 19* 904F 5 wood which was carrying 235 and rolling on some out past 260. this left me in a hell of a dilemma knowing that ive always had trouble hitting the 3iron and ive always considered hybrids a hackers club or something for an old man. The fitter ive been working with said to try and keep an open mind about hybrids and told me to try and hit one of the 910H hybrids they had on the shelf.. it was a 910H 21* with the Diamana ahina 90 stiff hybrid shaft in it.. set to A1. I line up my first shot and sky it off the crown of the club almost. lovely start...anyways.. 2nd swing... absolutely nutted, and backed up with data on the launch monitor.. 104mph swing speed, 144mph ball speed, 221 yard carry, 248 overall. ummmm wow. he had me hit probably 15 to 20 balls with this thing and they were all long and pured with an average 216 carry. i tried hitting the 24* version with the kaili shaft and while it was just as smooth didnt have the yardage i was looking for. it was too closely stacked on top of my 4 iron numbers to be worth the investment so i hit the 21* 10-15 more times and loved the feel.. couldnt help myself and ended up having them wrap it up for me.. so in the past 2 weeks ive now spent $1457.83 on 4i-pw MB712's, a Vokey 58.09 SM4, and a 910H 21* hybrid... it rounds out the bag to look a little something like this: Titleist 910D2 9.5* 46" Project X 7C3 6.0 Titleist 910F 15* 43" Project X 8C4 6.0 Titleist 904F 19* 42.5" ys-6 R-flex Titleist 910H 21* 39" Mitsubishi Rayon Diamana ahina S flex Titleist 712MB 4i-PW +1/2" 3*up KBS Tour Stiff, GolfPride Decade multi-compound whiteout grips. Titleist Vokey Spin milled 52.08 in black oxide Titleist Vokey Spin Milled SM4 58.09 in black oxide Titleist Scotty Cameron Studio Select Squareback #2 Yes im a Titleist fanboi, yes i use a Titleist Staff Bag, and no im not some poser. i regularly shoot in the 70's with the occasional low 80 that sneaks onto my card when im not focused. one thing i have learned is i need a new shaft in the 904F like YESTERDAY... even with the big numbers, i was spraying it all over the range... dispersion is a definite issue...now, the end of march needs to get here FAST!!! ~Travis
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