I prefer to walk. My "home course" is $16 to walk 18, $36 to ride. Makes the decision pretty easy in my book. I'm 30 and in good shape, but use a pull cart. The course is flat as can be, and no long stretches between holes. I've used an app on my phone called Endomondo to measure how far I walk, and it comes up to 5.5 miles every time. I play solo, usually tee off at 7am and never have to wait on anyone, and I'm usually headed home by 10. Perfect Sunday morning as far as I'm concerned. When I play with my father, we ride since he's oldish (62) and has had several health issues. It's great that we get to play together, but I just can't seem to keep my head in the game when riding. I average 5 strokes worse when riding.