Here's the scenario. I have always been around a 12-16 handicap. when I was younger i could get away with some mistakes since I could hit the ball a long way. Now that I'm creeping toward 50 I decided to change my swing a little to become a better ball striker with my irons. Thanks to all the great info on here I have gotten much better with my solid ball contact. The old problem was every round I would hit numerous shots "fat" due to lagging behind on the swing. After watch videos on proper angle lean for the shaft and getting more weight on my front foot I have been hitting the ball solid and long.
Now lies the problem. Since I have made this adjustment I hit everything about 20 feet to the right like a straight push. then when I go and aim left to compensate for it I hit the dang thing straight as an arrow left right where I was aiming. Any advise?