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Everything posted by Gilberg

  1. Gilberg


  2. Like most of you, I always thought wearing gloves for golf makes no sense. A mans hands are hardened from work, so whats the point. its a waste of $5. My mom invited me to golf with her and her boss. She wanted me to go to act like her husband since she was always telling her boss how good looking her husband was and my dad is really old and dresses like a skank and NOT good looking. But he got a reel kind heart and wears it on his sleeve all the itme Mom got me a whole golf outfit to wear and a glove? I was ok with the outfit she chose out for me, but the cardboard paper tags from the shirt and shorts dug into my skin all day. I told her I wasn't wearing a glove and then she made me. When the round was over I had sweat literally dripping from inside the glove and running down my arm. Plus the velcro dug all the skin off the back of my hand (the front of the hands are tough, not the back), because she bought them for the wrong hands and i had to wear both gloves inside out to make the "work". It was worth it becuse at the end her boss looked at me and just smiled and told me how prooud he was and how tough I was. But it doens't matter because I don't even respect him. Does anybody hear bother with golf gloves. The only sports I wore gloves for was baseball and wrestling, just for the grip, but there is literally no point for golfers other than some of the points I pointed out above.
  3. just oiled up the clubs to play my first nine of the year yesterday. Over the winter I wached alot of golf on golf tv and alot of it talked about getting a lower handicap. I never had a handicap my whole life. When I sauntered into the proshop to see if I had to pay to play, i thought "I am going to ask to get a handicap and how low I can get". The snake oil salesman behind the counter told me it was going to COST over $40 to get a handicap, or maybe even more AND I had to put in scores! (I thought golf was posed to be fun NOT WORK). I thought to myself "I never had one before and never had any problems, why would I need one SO bad now". I let him finish off his sales pitch before I told him, "he buddy, how about I give you $30 and we just forget I asked about the handicap". Long story short I saved at least $10 and didn't get a handicap, so i don't have to worry about putting in scores. Love to hear if anyone on here has fellen for this trick. Decided not to play that day too, because it was pretty dark already.
  4. I am a dog man and I am sure everyone on here is to. I used to play alone a lot and I went to play last weekend and I saw my dog at the course and I thought, what the hell, I will let him tag along. He did good and it was fun having somebody there, nothing is worse then hitting a hole in one and not having anybody there to see it trinkle into the whole. Anybody else ever take a dog with them while they golf? Please don't reply if you don't or take another species of pet. before any body gets PC on me, NO i don't let my dog run around on the course and disrespect other players or the game. the only reason he was there was because he likes to dig around on the cemetary that runs along side the golf course.
  5. I think my life is changed after the new VR Golf game. Can't remember what headset it was, but it was the black one. It is so cool, if you ever have a chance to try it out, do it. makes you looks at the games in an new way, eye opener to say the least. I can tell you right now that I can't wait to try it out to see if it beats the hype. A few suggestions I would have if I ever played it would prolly be: 1. reality mold - have the option to have the vr player wear smudged glasses (fingerprints), have your cell ring and say it is from your aunt or your wife, have the sun shine real bright into your eyes a lot 2. graveyard mold - great for halloween golf, did it once in real life and it was one of the worst times I ever had, but would like to try it again 3. sports mold - you can pick your favorite nba team and wear their jersey. also the golf ball is a baseball that is blown up to the size of a basketball, and the whole is at ten feet like a basketball rim, just use your hands too
  6. HI cipher, thanks for the advice. I just went out and Titleist CB 7 iron and tried it but I hate it bad. The guy I bouhgt it from won't take it back. Can you mail me a check for $25, since he won;t give me a refund. Not sure how is libel here but I guess you would be? I will go out and buy the other ones later thanks in advance, i love and support people who stand behind their products
  7. I have a lot of pride but first and most I am a man,only god can change that. So sometimes you have to step up to the plate. this time I think i hit a homer. I have been struggling a little with my pre backswing, mostly set up. I saw the european kid, Bryson, who wears the sherlock homes hat. I am NOT a fan of his style or personality, but he does hit it good with that iron set he hits with. I decided to go that route, even though I am NOT a fan of his and prolly won't be anytime this year. Since my 7 iron is my favorite club I thought that would be the best one to do. It took me a few months on ebay but I finally got 8 of the same 7-irons (rocket balls) to use. Not sure how he does his but since all the irons are the same I got some of gary player black knight iron covers that has the numbers on them so i will know which 7-iron to use for each iron. My coach says I still take to much time to choose my club, even though they are exactly the same (driver is not a 7-iron, i use a 3 wood for that). I played some hoes the other day and went lights out with them. Has anyone else tried to go this route? I like it this far but the hat is drawing to much attention.
  8. Me and mine relocated to california recently. I had a ton of friends back home but i dont have any here. NOT because i cant get any, but i dont want to try much. I need a body to play golf with. Somebody who is willing tk take a beeting on the course but shake hands like an adult after. I live close to rancho san joachin. Pm me but if u suck real bad not intristed. Must have your own clubs
  9. I was talking to my coach and he was telling me that the only difference between me and the pros right now is that the pros know exactly how far they hit all those clubs. So we went to the driving range and he stood out there as i hit golf balls so he could measure. Teh range balls look beat up but they are pinnacle golds. I was hitting my 5 iron about 400 feet (yes feet, we ARE in America) on the range. But when I got on the course and played wiht my game balls, Dunlop ProZ ecks, I was hitting my 5 iron 376 feet on average. Has anybody else noticed that the range balls tending to go a lot farther? My old pen pal said my coach was prob just giving me wrong distances but I don't think so because he is really good at eyeballing distances adn guessing peoples weight
  10. You did the right thing by making him look like the terd he is. I just wish i was there to dish out sone "justice" on his smirky smile. But u never know if the other guy is touched and he might lose it if u confront him. Best to use a common vodoo doll with almost no features so it can be used on anyone u want. Not to do permanent damage but to maybe give him bubbleguts or instant boner that wont go away. I dont want to fight your fight, just be creative and think of your own illness
  11. Gilberg

    golf fight

    I mostly play with my wife now. The other day i got to play for the first time with the pro (he sucks) at Ratty Pond. What on earth is the "proper" name for dimples on the golf ball? Everytime i asked him how many dimples is best or how they make the dimples or why are there dimples - just to save money on materials? That ringer dinger whould just roll his eyes and look away like he just hated looking at me cause i dont know all the golf terms. Is their a book or person that has every golf term that u need to know to make it in the higher social circles? I really dont want to have to throttle this guy, but if that is what he wants id be more than happy to beat him into bolivia
  12. I no this is prollt a long shot, because people are from all over the state but did anyone find a green hat last columbus day? One that is like a tobaggan on top but has a bill built in. Except this on the bill goes all the way around the hat. Because i found one just like that and wanted to see if anyone else ran accross one too? The guy that was wearing it when i found it looked untrustworthy and i thought it might be "happening" elsewere
  13. I am trying to figure out at one ranking a pro golfer or any golfer that is ranked gets a hot sexy wife. Anyway, I guess what I am asking is there a list or a database of hi res photos of players wives? If so, what is the ranking cut off for the hot ones? And what rankings are used by the women to select the guy(fedex, world rankings, race from dubai)? What about the web.com guys? Has any players ever switched wives when their rankings rose or dropped (significantly)? I need the info, beacuse I am going to do the danplan, but I don't want to be the #1 guy, I just want like a (6/10). I love how the golfchannel refuses to report on anything like this that has math involved because they think we are all heatherns
  14. I have been getting more and more into Sasquatch hunthing/tracking. We just called together an d held a meeting for everybody in town who was interested to tell us about any times they saw a sasquatch or skunk ape. It was priddy pathetic how almost no one showed up becase they are scared of being prosicuted by the media, and the ones who did show up where quacks . I am sure everyone has already seen the story but a few years ago, maybe early 80s a 4some got attacked at Brandon's Dunes up in the Nrtheast. The foursome was found in the woods close to the garden shack and all of them had their britches and briefs torn off or taken off. When the golf course worker found them they was real sweatty and startled. they told the worker that his loud music on his golf cart scared way the primate and they thanked him for saving them from the beast (thank god he shoed up when he did) and they still had enought time to finish up the charity scramble. Please add your encounter: Also, just throwing this out there since this forum is 21+. Most amateurs over swing on their backswing - its a fact so i don't care if you disagree. Anyway, why not make a device, like a long string that goes from the handle of your club to (the tip of your most sensitive body part), but make the string only long enough to support a compact backswing?
  15. Gilberg

    Red face

    I am not the kind of person that goes online and bashes pros. I always hate it when i read a thread about how so and so did such and such and how they suck or how ugly they or their pets are. It is just not my "thang". I think the upmost respect should be show to those who are on tv day in and day out giving their all to entertain us. I am sure I am not the only one that gets pissed with the online bashing and mean comments, specially to pro we should look up to and kiss their tootsies, because they are great athletes and most of them are great people who DESERVE respect. Just as a general rule don't bash people on forums, it just makes you look bad and petty and insecure. Anyway, what type of sun block does Phil Mickelson use?
  16. Not sure why, but I get the yips when I play with strangers or strange people. It just makes me nervous and I know it is just real silly. The other day I was playing solo and I was on the fourth tee. I was over the ball and a cart with two super hot people pulled up behind the tee and was waiting for me to hit. I just stood there over the ball and waited for them to drive by. But since they was playing, they just wanted me to hit and get the hell out of the way. I just stood there some more thinking - how the hell did I get myself in this situation and what could I do to resolve it. I just stood there frozen for liek 5 minutes and couldn't pull the trigger. They pulled up closer and I just kept my head down real hard. I heard one of them ask me if I was all right. I was thinking "yeah, I'm fine dummy. I always do this! OH GOD!!!!!!" I finally hit but my palms were so sweatty that the club sliped out of my hands during my backswing and I jsut froze again for it seemed like eons. By that time there were like 12 people wainting for me the get out of the way. I checked out "Zen Putting", did that help anybody. Or maybe i shoudl get one of the new Jetspeed drivers.
  17. I was not as good when I started as I am now. The first round I played I shot a 92 (played 1 hole scaled to 18). Last week when I played I shot a 76 (no holes played, scaled from previous experience)
  18. I really thank it is important to hit it longer and that is why most people say they hit it so far. The bottom line is that the male pecking order is about distance, nobody cares about scores unless you are porfessional. I would rather hit it 330+ (I do) and shoot 72, than hit is 270 and shoot a 69. so if I hit it farther than you that shows my maleness and i can dominate you by being more alpha. If you don't understand me than I can tell you are a short hitter and I garantee that I hit it way farther than ANYONE on here
  19. I am looking for a new pair os sunglasses to wear on my face/hat while I play. The model I use now is real slippery when they get whet and it makes it hard to tell how far away things are when they are moving around on my nose from slickness. I need some that are more sticky or rap all the way round. I was playing last night and I went to put down my bag and I dropped down a crevasse and/or sinkwhole because I just couldn't get the distance. Yeah I know ... Anyway, the experience made me thank a lot about death and being dead and how many people percieve it as the "ULTIMATE" sinkwhole. I can't help but to thank that is how golf is going with those huge 14" holes. I would "LOVE" to hear what golfers think about this direction with the new holes from good and serious golfers. No noob opions please!
  20. I searched on here a lot about this and couldn't find any helpful info, which didn't surprise me or catch me off guard. Please tell me what you typically do right after a round is over if you are playing with other people. I know tradition is different everywhere you go and it also depents on you personality. If I am playing with an elderly family member I will give them an appropriate hug and tell them how impressed I was with their preformance, even it they played like an amatuer. Sometimes when I play with friends that I already know, I don't give them a hug, but I will just stare at them with the utmost respect, for maybe like 40 or 45 seconds, and then slowly walk away while still facing them to show respect. If I am playing with a friend that I have not met before I typically give them a hand slap and a nice monogrammed golf towel (great gifts and I have like a hundred of them in a box, now way i can use them all). Also, does anyone have the shotlink (tm) records for the 1973 tour season?
  21. I went to play at Dear Creek monday night and I noticed they got rid of the old sandwich place in the clubhouse and replaced it with a restaurant called "Fish Dungeon". It looked dark and weird inside, and it was really humid. I hate eating in restaurants with carpet because they always stink like a dank basement, and the Fish Dungeon had the longest shag carpet we ever seen. But we were starving and we had to eat something. My cousin ordered the tadpole panini. It sounded grody, but she loved it. He said it had the texture of a good souse, and the aftertaste was really great. I ordered the grande bowl of tarter sauce with a side of fish loops. I never had them before, they are the fried fish intestines. They tasted great with the jalapeno tarter sauce. Anyway, we had a fantastic meal and I'll probably take her back again if I get a second date. Anyone else had any really great surprise meals at a golf course?
  22. I started off my son with just some old pinnacle balls. No clubs at all. He just hit it with his hands and when he got tired of bending over he just kicked it. He is 24 now and the other day he told me "Daddy, why come I don't have nice clubs like Vechel and Lonnie". I just gave him this look like "How the hell should I know!".
  23. I really hated when the dude kept yelling "Bababooey". It pissed me off real hard. I mean, yeah it was really funny the first couple of times, and it was getting me really pumped up, but after like four or five times it really got me mad and I had to start hitting my push mower with an old lawn dart that was in the garage. I think it would really teach the guy a lesson if they brought him/her out on the tee and made them kneel down execution style and put a shot gun to the back of there head and just blew their head completely off, metaphorically speaking. I bet that would really cut down on it for the next event. But I still really like "Chewbacka", at least that is always hilarious every time and will never get old. So maybe they should make a list of really good ones and let one guy shout it after every tee shot. Maybe if there are no spectator they can just use a recording. I think that would really bring in the youth crowd and maybe some entire youth ministries.
  24. My friend is a medium (not that it has anything to do with this post, just cool as hell). He is always teaching me about consperacy theries. He doesnt play golf, and I think that is why this technique works so well, because he can look at it from the outside without thinking like a "golfer". We were playing nine holes the other day and he litrally hit every putt that was inside 6 or 7 feet, 100%, and he did that every time we played. I told him at the end of the round that he better tell me how he does it. And basically, he taught me, and now I drano every one. He said the hard part about putting was you take your eye or the target to hit the ball. When he is about to hit a putt shot he focuses his right eye on the ball and his left eye on the hole. It sounds impossible but he shown me how he did it. First you focus on something real close to your face to cross your eyes, he uses a pinky finger bone from an ancient 100,000 year old man, but you can use a straw or whatever else. I usually use a packet of catsup or a packet of tarter sauce if it was fish day. After he crosses his eyes he leaves the right on on the ball, then he can move his left one independently toward the hole. I just use it for golf but he uses it for all kinds of other stuff. When he is paying for fast food, he keeps one eye on the money he is counting and the other on the cashier. He also does it with his wife when they are using cialis, he keeps one eye on her face and the other on a stop watch to know when to be done. Anyway, give it shot!
  25. I hate cheaters. Specially with golf cause it is a gentlemans sport. I keep telling them "If you are going to cheat then go play an OTHER sport and they tell me "Go back to the Cart!""! At least if you are going to cheat don't make it so obvios. Yeah, I will shave a couple strokes off per round if no one is paying attention, but I NEVER do it if they are paying attention. I played in a golf scramble eons ago and the group who won didn't even set foot on the course. They litrally set inside and drank Bartles and James all day, and yeah they shot a +3, yeah right. I told them that if they ever pull a stunt like that again then I would bring in some people to beat them into a living death. But before I could tell them they walked off with their girlfriends.
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