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Everything posted by SimpleSimon

  1. SimpleSimon


  2. Thanks, I will check this out as soon as I get the chance!
  3. Sorry guys, I wasn't clearly understanding what you guys were saying.
  4. I am sure he knows what he is talking about, and by no means am I saying he is wrong. It's just that I am seeing the best results I have ever seen by eliminating the weight transfer in the swing. My body no longer has to try and get that timing down. I'm interested in results. I have watched all of your 5k videos, tried a few things and some of the things didn't work for me. That doesn't mean I think what your teaching is wrong, or that im questioning your intelligence on the golf swing. We all have different games. What I am trying to say just because something doesn't work for you, doesn't mean it's not going to work for someone else.
  5. What is considered the "perfect way to hit a golf ball"? There isn't one. The idea of the perfect golf swing has been mirrored off of the best golfers of their time. So when someone else comes along in 20 years and does something different than his swing will be considered the ideal swing. Some of the best golfers in the world, I am sure are doing a ton of stuff "wrong". All I am saying is what is working for me. I haven't lost any distance since making this change, in fact I added about 10 yards on every club since doing this, maybe because I am hitting the ball flush every time. I have always hit the ball high so that's not an issue. This is working for me, the 78 on the scorecard looks the same whether I'm swinging with an iron or a broom. I was just wondering if this is normal. I suggest everyone try this and see how well you strike your irons. If it's wrong, I don't want to be right.
  6. Mordan, It's very easy to not look anything like whats in the picture you provided. It's def not just a feeling. I don't look anything like the picture you posted. Take a look. This is exactly what I look like at address. I get over the ball, do my waggle, and feel out my weight. My last move before i start my swing is a small weight shift forward over my lead leg, EXACTLY like the guy in this picture. I have the thought of keeping the weight of my head over my lead foot and lead leg. I feel like I have taken the weight transfer completely out of the swing since my weight is already forward. I believe that the timing of transferring the weight during the transition of back swing to down swing is what I was struggling with. Take a look. The video below is before i started keeping my weight forward.
  7. I have shot the best golf of my life for the last month or so. My friends always tell me how jealous they are of my swing, but I could never hit the ball consistently. Always hitting fat, or shooting low spinners off to the right. I started practicing a ton on the chipping greens, grab my shag bag and spend some times 2 hrs just pitching chipping. Realized the more I put my weight forward the better contact i would get.So I tried putting more weight forward in my full swing with my irons (id say 70 front foot, 30 inside of back foot) and I cannot believe how crisp i am hitting the ball. I am pin point accurate with just about every iron. I shot a 78 over the weekend (40-38), missed 6ft birdie on 18. But my best score coming in was 83. I am hitting just about every green I go for. I have never had a lesson and just do my own research, and try out a ton of stuff in the offseason. Is it normal to keep weight forward through out your entire swing?
  8. Just finished reading this book. I really enjoyed the analogy of signing your name, and then tracing it again. Great read for anybody looking to cut down the mental chatter. Just gave it to a friend of mine to read.
  9. Sorry fellas, I mentioned to my buddy whos helping me run this and he brought up a valid point. Our league is not a normal style league play. Its a big group of friends and this is our first year trying to put something like this together. Being its our first year running this, we want to keep it as simple as possible so unless we know you in real life, we can;t have you in our league, at least not this year. I told someone before maybe during the summer we can meet up and shoot a couple rounds and you can get to know my friends and golf buddies, and hope to join next year. Sorry everybody. I shouldn't of posted anything without talking to my partner first. I apologize.
  10. I am headed out to another golf dome this Saturday. Hopefully I can get more swing vids. I feel like I am starting to get a good feel for the changes I have made since July 2012. I wouldn't mind some advice on what to work in in this range session. I was working on my weight transfer, turning/pivoting my right side instead of swaying, and not bringing the club so far back. I am starting to do these things subconsciously, so now I am trying to find something else to work on. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
  11. Ok fellas I was finally able to update my swing video. Like I have said I have been working on posting up on my right side (turning/pivoting instead of swaying my hips back in the backswing. I also have shortened my backswing. I still think I maybe over swinging a bit, but I am not that worried about it because I am hitting the ball a lot more cleaner (Irons) and more consistent (Driver). Check them out, let me know if you notice anything I should work on, or if you can see the differences I have made between the first video I posted and now. Thanks a ton in advance! In all of the videos you see down the line, the little circle vent on the right is always the fairway. Video above is a 9 iron Video above is an 8 iron Video above is an 8 iron
  12. I am running a league in the south side. We are playing 8 courses throughout the summer. If anybody from Chicago would like information I would be glad to send you some. Its not a huge league, we have 15 guys right now. It is me and most of my friends, but the more the merrier, if you want some info let me know.
  13. I have a few questions. There is a small Ma and Pa golf shop right outside my back door, across the alley. In the winter I walk over with a few clubs and play on their simulator when its not crowded. In the hitting station, he had a Medicus driver there, so I decided to swing it a few times. The only flaw the medicus was telling me was that I was taking the club back to quickly, it was breaking right when i started my backswing. I hit probably 40 balls each with a PW, 8i, 6i. I was hitting most of the balls closer to the heel than center, REALLY close to the heel. I dont know why but I was doing this way more than i was hitting it in the center. I tested the new Nike Covert driver, and the same thing. I was hitting EVERYTHING off the heel side. I didnt get one ball in the center of the club. I cant figure it out why. At address I usually line up the ball with the center of the face. Any ideas what maybe causing this?
  14. So I just got back from a golf expo. It was ok. They had a ton of stuff and it wasn't as crowded as I thought. I got to meet the world's long drive champion, first name was Joe, can't remember his last name. He is a GIANT! Anyway, I went on their machines just for fun and my avg SS for my driver was 112. I was swinging the new Taylormade R1. It is a thing of beauty. I was never a huge fan of Taylormade, but this stick is nice! I also wanted to take a look at the Wilson Staff FG62's. I was able to hit the 5i & 7i and they felt great. I have always been a big fan of Wilson golf, they have really stepped their game up in the last 7-8 years IMO. Let me get to my point. I went to the Aldila shaft tent and was discussing shafts, ball flight, and SS. He put me on a machine to see what would be good for me. Now I know its like asking a shoe salesmen if he thinks I need new shoes, but he suggested I look into X stiff shafts. My iron club head speed is 94, driver is 112. What do you think an average player with a SS of 112 with the driver should average off of the tee?
  15. I am new to the ST. So I haven't seen the all of the "going pro" threads. I think all hes doing is seeing if anybody else was ever in a situation like he is in, and how they were able to get the cash without losing a ton of practice time. He is new to the site as well, he doesn't know what he should or should not do. He's just seeking advice and right now that's all that matters to him. Unfortunately I suck at golf and I have to pay to play as well so the only advice I can give you is to keep practicing and try placing higher in more events. If you are as good as you say you are @ 19 years old, practice is the only thing that can help you right now.
  16. My swing has improved dramatically from the X20 days. I wasn't trying to improve, I wasn't practicing, I really was just happy to get out there and just have fun with my friends. But since this game has pretty much taken over my life. I am constantly doing half swings at home in the mirror, impact bag at home, chipping my wiffles into my chipping net. This is me 100% in the video.
  17. Summer of 2011 I tried a ton of balls. Everything you can name. When my dad and I walk 9 holes throughout the work week, if the course is empty he takes the right, I'll take the left and we scavenge balls out of bushes on every hole so we have a TON of different balls. I really enjoyed hitting the new Staffs. I grew up playing Pro Staffs as a kid and it was the only ball I would play. So naturally I like the Wilson. I am currently playing the 50 Elite ball. Their $26 for 24 balls. Since they are newer were not finding a ton of them in the bushes. But I shot my 2 lowest scores of my life hitting the Elite (83-84).
  18. You are right, this is the second thing I noticed when I was breaking down my swing, the first was swaying of the hips instead of turning. This swing was taken in June 2012. Since then I have altered my swing to help with turning my hips instead of swaying, and flipping the club. Even after my changes I am still hitting the ball substantially high. I will post a new video as soon as I can. I appreciate the input!
  19. To be honest, I am not sure. But I play in Chicago and the wind is constantly a factor. When I was playing my Callaway X20's, the ball would start off on a low penetrating flight, than climb at the end and drop. It was fun to watch. I just can't seem to get that flight out of my VR's. It doesn't help that most of the year I had issues with flipping my hands way before contact. I thought that was why my balls were hit so high in the air, but after recording my swing I made a few drastic changes to keep my hands ahead of the club and I am still hitting the ball sky high. I am not sure if my swing changes have made a difference. I haven't been able to record my swing since June 2012. I will get a recording up asap. I appreciate the input, I don't have too much income right now, I have been laid off since 2/10 (no help from the govt). Which has allowed me to get serious about my golf game :) being single with no kids helps too. I have a question about my shafts though, would you call them standard as far as weight and flex?
  20. The shafts on my Irons are Dynamic Gold S300. I am hitting my 7i 150-160, my 5i 170-185. I really enjoy being able to have my mid irons stop but its not the penetrating ball flight I seek. I can continue to play like this and be successful, but I look at it just like playing cavity back irons, not that there is anything wrong with that, but they mask some of your flaws. I want to fix my issues and not just put a band aid on them. All of my clubs make the ball stop and spin back, besides my 3i, 4i, and 19*. Even the driver, I would say about half of the time there is a divot in the fairway and the ball is behind the mark, other half it lands bounces once and stops.
  21. Just left my local golf shop, and had my irons adjusted to 2* flat. Not sure what this tells me about my golf swing. But while I was getting my irons adjusted, I wanted to know if I was using the right shafts. My swing speed was 94 mph on the head, 3 times in a row. The machine I was on compared my swing speed to Johnathon Byrd (Wish I could aim like him). It suggested a stiffer shaft than the ones I have. Little bit of back story and my ball flight. 6 years ago I had enough with golf, I was tired of not improving and spending money on the game. After taking a year off and selling my bag, I decided to go to the driving range with my golfing buddies just to hang out and check out my friends new Victory Red blades. I hit them cleaner than anything I have ever hit in my life, so I rushed out and bought a set. At the time (2008) I was in the shooting high 90's on average. Since then I have put more practice into the hitting my clubs and really started paying attention to ball flight, and learning the golf swing, I got my game into the 80's. The one thing that has always stood out to me is how how I would hit the ball. Even my group says I hit the ball higher than anybody they have ever seen. I really enjoy being able to have the ball come down and stop off of a 5 iron, But I am losing a ton of distance off the tee. My driver is 9.5*, and I would say I am losing 15-20 yards because the ball goes so high. Now my questions are would I be better off selling my Nike VR's, and getting a new set of irons with the shafts I need? Should I just replace the shafts @ something like $34/club? Or am i over thinking this and its not that big of a deal? I like the Victory Red's but I have lost distance with them. I used to be the longest hitter out of my group, now I'm one of the shortest, (but shooting in 80's consistently when their in the 90's). But I am not sure if it is the combination of hitting blades with the wrong shafts, or just the blades. Like I said my buddy has the same exact irons, and him and I were very similar distance wise, now hes way ahead of me. I am so confused on how to start to tackle this. Is it that big of a deal for me to have the correct shafts? Should I get all new irons? Just replace the shafts? I have posted a video under Member Swings, in the slow-mo you can see how whippy the club is. Anybody have any suggestions as the best way to approach this? I don;t want to go into the golf year not confident with whats in my bag. I was ready and craving the start of the year and feeling confident with everything in my bag, but since I left my golf shop I have been restless about this.
  22. Hey guys, I am wondering if anybody from the ST is going to be at the golf expo this weekend in Tinley Park, IL. Its about 30 min south of Chicago. I have never been to an expo and I can't wait for this weekend. My playing partners have been to a few before and they love them. Does anybody have any good or bad experiences at golf expos? What should I expect?
  23. I have a few buddies like this. All a few of them care about is how far they hit each club. It's annoying as hell after every shot being asked what I hit. When I am between 60 and 105 yards out, I like to choke down on my PW and bang it up close. Im asked what I hit, Ill reply with the same answer every time.. "PW". He makes it a point to tell me he hits his 60* 80 yards. Which he does, but its rarely where he wants to go, but still he is enthusiastic about hitting it that far. I think I am just going to start replying with "a golf club" next time I am asked.
  24. You should be challenging yourself to stop hitting errant tee shots all together so you stop using mulligans. You will never improve until you eliminate the mulligans. It will help you focus and concentrate much more on each shot.
  25. That makes much more sense. Thank you!
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