I recently broke 100 and it was all thanks to my improved short irons. My tee shots and putting were always fine, but my shorties always needed improvement. It feels good to shoot in double digits.
Let's face it, the biggest distraction for all of us is our own mind. When we hit bad shots we all at some point tend to think more about the bad, which inevitably ruins the rest of our play.
Out on the course yesterday, it was probably 90% guys who were over the age of 60 and they were all using push carts (for good reason). I was one of the only people out there who were walking and carrying their bags, and I felt good about it. It feels like I am getting more out of the experience, and at the same time I feel like I am the player and the caddy.
I am a student just waiting for summer to finally start. I have been paid to do various web development jobs. I tend to specialize in HTML/CSS/JavaScript coding and also design logos for local businesses as well as my friends. So basically, I am a nerd.
I just use whatever tees I am feeling that day. At my favorite local course I usually end up on the white tees, and that has given me a decent level of difficulty but not too much that I can barely get low scores.
I actually ended up having to run yesterday after I played nine holes. I love running with a passion, but getting back into the swing of things after lacrosse ended is what is so difficult. Started with 3 mile quick runs, I'll start working my way up like usual.
Damn you're right. For some reason I thought my Wilson Staff balls came in sleeves of four. But yeah so I have one sleeve of new balls in my bag at all times.
I try to have one sleeve of brand new balls ready to go. Other than that I have tons of used balls or ones that I picked up in the woods or around the courses. So besides a sleeve of four new balls, I probably have 20 used ones ready to go.
As I walked off the course today, I heard some old man complaining about how the winter ruined the courses. I immediately thought about this thread. He was really emotional about it though.
I was waiting on a group of four older guys today and so the pace of the game slowed up a bit. I had a guy with a thick Boston accent behind me swearing left and right. He came up to me and said that he hates golf hahah, typical.
I hate when I take a piss in the woods. I feel like someone is watching me no matter much I try to hide myself. I did it again today and felt so shameful afterward.
Yeah that crap with the driving the carts up to the tees is actually really damn annoying. Especially the ones at my local course..they are like diesel and are loud as all hell. What's even worse is when the dumb ass driving the cart realizes he distracted you, and then tries to back the cart up. Listening to the rickety old gears trying to switch to reverse inside the cart is as loud as the thing itself.
Irons are honestly my best friends, especially my 6 iron. I rarely use my woods or even my driver (unless I want to showoff) because I have gotten so comfortable with my irons. I practice a lot at the range with my woods and driver, but when it comes to the actual course, I get trigger-happy with my irons.