I believe most if not all elite sports person work very hard and most are carrying some sort of injury one way or the other going into a competition. You are unlikely to find anyone 100% fit with no injury whatsoever.
My gripe with Tiger is that why does it have to be one person who would make the field feel like they are winning only because the No.1 man is injured? Why can't he carry on with a bit more dignity? It wasn't the first time he was injured. He has been injured more seriously with a freaking potential career ending ACL and he did not wince once and in spite of that, and he won the Open and a lot of hearts in the process. I just find it so below him to do that and it frustrates me.
In any game and any competition, I am unlikely to enjoy playing with an opponent that display his injuries true or fake. It just put me off and made any potential victory feels hollow and unworthy. Similarly, I wouldn't want to put my opponents in the same situation. I think the game and opponents deserve a lot more respect than that. If I am unfit, sick and ill, I will withdraw politely.