I agree with a lot of things in here, too many to list actually but disagree with a couple.
Children are lead by example. Parents need to get away from the saying,
"do as I say, not as I do."
A spanking never hurt anyone as long as it is within reason.
Timeouts only work when used appropriately. This means sitting a child in an empty hallway with nothing to look at but the wall and taking away things that mean something to them. Sending them to a room full of toys, cellphones, video games, tv or computers does
One of the reason you see most parents not disciplining their child in public is because of an agency called "Child/Social Services". The real issue is people deciding to make someone else's parenting their business and the authorities get called. I for one will not discipline my child in public, but will however remove them from public immediately.
My mom used to use the belt on me and I tell you what, my dad was the one that reasoned with me without using force.
This is just my opinion and is in no way going to cure the world of the parenting issues