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Basically want to work on things that prevent me from having same angle of attack and hitting sweetspot everytime, posture, head movement and so on. Any error and possible drill solution to fix it is welcome. More power throught technique would be welcome also. :) Big problem I got is playing straight against the wind, what happens is that the ball goes 1/2 the distance of normal and then shoots straight up in the sky, do I generate so much backspin or why can't I get that penetrating ball flight? I have learned to judge the wind pretty well tho, but it feels kinda strange to hit my 220 club from 160. ^^
Shameless bump, who gave me that avatar btw, do I look like a pig to you?
What would be the best place to practise all year around with minimal cost (good pro would be nice aswell)?
Okay, last day of my vacation is about to end, been practising pretty damn much for last month and my game has improved quite a bit. Haven't done so much work when it comes to my swing, but that's the thing I want to focus more on now. Lately been working on building lag and basically using my wrists, never used those before really. Currently quite lost on what to do next, hope you can help me. Couldn't find any program to get slowmotion on those videos, sorry.
I don't know why but my 3iron is probably my most consistent club in the bag. Yesterday played 18 holes, hit it out of 7 tee boxes, 6/7 were sweetspot with ~220y carry, 1 was bit to toe but still went ~200y in line. For some reason my angle of attack stays pretty much the same with long irons, but when I get to short irons (8,9,52 degree the worst) my divots change from small to the size of man, contact feels good but I know it's way too high on the face. Gotta update my swing post someday, made quite some changes but atm I'm alone in the dark and stuck.
I live in country that doesn't even know what golf is, only clubs sold here is Wilson, in my town anyway. Ordered everything online, last purchase was yesterday titleist vokey sm5 56/10 m grind + scotty cameron california sea mist fastback putter. Kinda risky to order so expensive putter without getting to test it first, but trust that it fits my stroke well. Used kinda crazy amount on my equipment but now I can't blame bad shots on those atleast and that's why we go to work, don't we? ;)
http://madcow.wackyhq.com/geocities/5x5_Program/Linear_5x5.htm Started that 7 weeks ago, been working really good for me. Plan is to continue with it but replace deadlifts from wednesday with power cleans and add more golf ball striking once our range opens up in couple weeks hopefully. So far added 30kg to squat and bench in 5 months, according to simulator I've gained distance, although I don't trust the info it gives. More importantly the quality of shots have gone so much better, feel like I don't have as many loose parts in there anymore. Highly recommend that program for anyone new to lifting, there's also one for advanced lifters on that site aswell.
As a person he seems awesome, but when it comes to his work ethic regarding golf I have to say no. Golf is supposed to be fun, but professional athele in no sport should say ''I don't like routines, it makes this feel like work'' even if it stands true.
Agree with adzeemah, been doing http://madcow.wackyhq.com/geocities/5x5_Program/Linear_5x5.htm for 5 weeks now and have to say the idea behind it is simply brilliant.
20 reps for muscle speed? You probably can gain something out of it, if you do those reps with low weight and very explosively, I just don't see the point. In my opinion 20 reps with weight that challenge you is just gonna fatigue your muscles and increase your endurance. Surely there is some use for endurance, but it's not like you are gonna hit 20 tee shots in row, even if you are as bad as me. Why wouldn't you work on 1-5 reps area? Ever seen olympic lifters train? During army time there was one olympic lifter in same room, he was fast and explosive as hell and surely didn't work over 5 rep range. Hits the nail in the head imo. Especially that genetic part, but no point in complaining about bad genes, just have to make most out of cards life dealt us. Bit offtopic, but just couple hours ago had funny incident. Was drinking protein shake after hitting golf balls for an hour and one older guy came over to ask ''You need a shake after hitting couple balls huh? You don't need muscle to hit golf balls.'' first I thought about thanking him for providing me such a valuable information but I just decided to say ''Some muscle won't hurt'' Our area is full of people like this, if I tell them I'm hitting gym 4 times a week to get more distance, first they look at me like I'm insane and then they are gonna tell the excact same thing as that older guy. I don't know why that is, are they just too lazy to workout and want to push you down or is there some part in their brain that shows a picture of Ronnie Coleman as soon as word gym is mentioned. And before someone starts to whine about that shake. Yes I drink them to make sure I put enough protein and calories in my system to gain something out of training, eating evenly throughout day is important.
I believe you need to have goals to stay active, something to drive and work for. Before this summer I was lost for 2 years as far as exercise goes, had nothing to work for after stopping my sport. Picked up golf and now I know what to work for, got goals that I want to achieve. If I told those goals to someone they'd say I'm insane, but those are mine and I will work my ass off to get there. You know those people who buy the gym membership every fall but quit after 1 month? I believe they have set goals to look good and for most people that isn't enough to keep them motivated, unless you plan to compete in bodybuilding. Before starting I think everyone should ask themself what they want from life and then start training towards it. It can be something simple, 100kg squat, one arm pullup or just simply being able to keep up with grandchildren; speaking of which this video is amazing: That guy started to workout at age of 55, if I'm alive and healthy at 64 I want to be like him, doing stuff most youngsters only dream of. Proves that age card to be invalid. “Men do not quit playing because they grow old; they grow old because they quit playing.” Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr
Been lurking this guys site for ~7 years, bought one of his books ''Infinity Intensity'' which I higly suggest to anyone in any sport. He is training boxers for living and there's alot of good stuff both in his books and website. It helped me tremendously in past and bet it will help at golf.
For me going in angry will totally destroy my golf, it is/was really hard to understand coming from sports that only made you perform better the more addrenaline you had in your body.
So, season came to an end 2 weeks ago basically, upper back was hurting pretty bad so couldnt really hit as much as I wanted. Something I will train to make stronger this winter, will be 6 months before we can hit the ball again over here, no indoor facility whatsoever... Managed to get one guy to film iron and driver swing from last session and this time found out how to edit these for slowmotion (I suck with computers). Don't really see much change to where I started, but can't expect much for that amount of balls. Didn't flare my feet, but will incorporate it in there next summer. One problem I had with that was I couldn't get my setup facing target when I did it, but that was just due to not being used to it probably. When I check other peoples swing in slowmotion, I notice their clubhead is in 180 degree angle, the toe pointing to ground, for me it is in 90 degree angle. Is that something to worry about and what is causing it?