Won't bore y'all with the details, but medical, dental, and personal issues kinda got in the way of everything these past 6 months or so. The good news is, I fell 100% better, we have a new dog, and I have a new bag, and clubs, although some not brand new, but new to me. I retired my Titleist CB 695's, and got some AP 1 714's with the XP 95 shaft in R .I now have a Tight lies 22 hybrid, and a new Taylormade Aroburner driver 10.5 in reg flex, and last a Taylormade Spiderbalde 12 putter. Finally got back to the range and am hitting some decent shots, although I still hit the crummy ones too..lol Next, I have to say I'm sorry for not being on much, but that will change, I look forward to seeing all the old folks on here from before. I also would like to take this opportunity to Thank, whoever stepped up for my Supporter fees..If it was you, Thank You..and I would like to reimburse you, if I can. Hope everyone is doing well..