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About golf2much420

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    Cincinnati Ohio

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  • Index: 8-12
  • Plays: Righty

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  1. golf2much420


  2. haha dam that does suck i mean its an all day event? Maybe you can grab a quick round in the morning.... Wait what am i thinking quick round on a saturday morning? Unheard of haha
  3. Going to Stonelick Hills Tomorrow for my bachelor party!!!! Should be a hell of a time! 69 and sunny in october in ohio!!!
  4. Definately one of my favorite shows the finale was awesome an i loved how they through that surprise at the end cant wait for next season
  5. I drive an 04 hyundai tiburon gt 6 speed extremely low to the ground i can fit one bag in the trunk with the backseat down need to get a new car gettin married in october :)
  6. Agreed i just purchased these same irons few months back have about 4 rounds on em so far and love the forged feel of the iron as well as the size of the clubhead everything feels so right and you can take a divot without a bulky club head reducing the force throught the ground! A+ irons glad you went with the cb3s
  7. Im ready to play me and my buddy joke everyday about gettin out and playin before we die or i get the text saying im moving packin my clubs u comin with? Haha Sittin in the middle of a snowstorm right now with ice in southwest ohio not looking like golf anytime soon :(
  8. Got a little pat benatar playin "we are young" or love is a battlefield not sure haha something about the drums in this has my musical bone kickin
  9. Shameless US version william h macy as a deginerate drunk dad and all the wild chaos the gallagher family goes through great comedy!! Also im a huge supernatural fan sometimes i think im a closey demon hunter haha And of course walking dead those are my 3 shows im watching every week currently
  10. How is kittyhawk as far as playability i consider myself a more advanced golfer like challenging course i always see it on golf now but didnt know if drive was worth it.
  11. I called all around today in southwest ohio no courses open and the snows melted away an almost 60 im depressed i need to play so bad i have an open wound ive been scratching
  12. I will say i have become a closet graeme fan since reading about your experience david i will be rootin for him alot more great matches today as well i hope graeme makes it to the end for that 9million dollar purse!
  13. Im not sure if you watched today david but graeme outlasts hunter mahan 21 holes to advance. Must have been that practice round he played with you a little while ago!
  14. I thought it was gonna be a lot better of a game then that but not being much of a bruno mars fan he really killed it during the halftime along with of course RHCP (Swallows Pride) Denver u dissappointed me and seattle u blew me away going into this game liking both teams let me just say (along with everyone) not at all what i expected to see but hands down seattle controlled the game and put a good ole fashioned arse whoopin i picked denver and will take my defeat in stride seattle showed they are a team to fear and possibly fear for years to come my hats off to them
  15. As far as the red zones i believe peyton is 19/20 with 1int i dont see him havin any troubles hes a surgeon out there i like both teams and am happy to see them there but i do think the broncos will take care of business and i agree its gonna be a great game! Broncos - 31 Seahawks - 24
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