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    Houston, Texas

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  • Plays: Righty

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  1. cbrister


  2. Haha now I’m just a broke adult! I actually never played baseball at all. I played basketball. That’s just how my swing has always been. It’s just what I naturally did, probably trying to swing too hard.
  3. So it will naturally shallow or am I supposed to be doing something?
  4. I have been seeing an instructor for about a year. I go whenever I get a little extra cash so I could stand to go see him more. I tend to be laid off at the top of my backswing and past horizontal, so we’re working on me going too far the other way. He would rather me be across the line at the top than laid off. My question is how do I shallow the club while being across the line. I already am way too steep in the downswing. Doesn’t being across the line at the top make it even steeper?
  5. @mvmac any thoughts?
  6. The contact is better than its ever been, but I've started hooking a bit and that makes it hard to score well. All of the courses I play are devastating to a hook. I'm still working on learning to control it. It's a process.
  7. Updated swing for the first time in a long time. How's it look?
  8. Turns out after hitting some balls, I was letting my right hand get over to the side of the club a bit too much. It was letting it open just enough to slice right at the end of the flight. I readjusted and the slice is no longer there.
  9. Phone won't let me upload video but here's an impact position pic I screenshot. I'll figure out how to upload the video this afternoon
  10. Struggling mostly with a straight slice with nearly every club. Sometimes it's more of a fade, but a heavy fade regardless. From what I know about the ball flight laws, am I correct in assuming that if the ball starts straight, grip is ok? The slice is caused by not turning enough? I don't have a recent video....
  11. Hi, all. I am painting some old Wilson clubs for a buddy. They look great so far but I'm having a bit of trouble with the Wilson on the sole of the club. It's very shallow and I wind up removing all the new paint when I try to clean the excess off. Anybody ever had this issue? What'd you do instead?
  12. Sweden is a pretty good model. I don't agree with everything they say though. I think people should be allowed to carry, preferably concealed. http://www.sweden.org.za/gun-laws-in-sweden.html
  13. Ok. Sorry for all the questions. I had the best ball striking day of my life a few weeks ago and felt like I was making good strides, but now its like I've never hit a golf ball in my life. It's pretty discouraging.
  14. Ok. Is my stance in the iron videos ok? It seems to me like i'm really crouched. I also notice that my head stays still laterally, but raises up before impact. I don't have a problem with topping though.
  15. working down longer...how so?
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