I am not a golf pro, or instructor, in fact I am not even a very good golfer, but I have the exact same problem, and your same ball flight. I was at a demo day two weekas ago hitting high fades and slices, figured my swing must be outside to in. A teaching pro stopped buy and watched a few shots, and told me my swing, and swing plane were fine but I was not closing / rolling my hands thru the impact zone, then he left. Well through trial and error I had to figure out why if my swing was good, why do I have this problem? I found that my hands roll over as they pass my belt buckle, I also found that I was pulling my head off the ball ( to see where it went) before impact. This was causeing my shoulders and upper body to go with it, getting my body ahead of my hands. My hands still roll as they cross my midsection, but due to this, that happens AFTER impact, which leaves my clubhead open causeing the fade/slice. Today, after 9 holes of the same old thing, on #10 I started making myself keep my head/eyes on the TEE until after the ball was gone. This resulted in straight or slightly hooked drives the rest of the day. I don't know if this will help you out or not, but it seemed to help me.