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About cmay119

  • Birthday 11/30/1983

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  1. I've actually started to put the ball towards my back foot on longer irons and my ball striking has improved dramatically over when I had the ball towards my front foot. Do you believe this to just be a quick-fix or patch-work to an underlying swing issue? Or is this merely a different strokes for different folks kind of deal?
  2. Sometimes pain can be attributed to something as simple as Dehydration. Are you drinking plenty of water when on the course? I don't know if this is your particular issue, but cramping and other aches on the course have effected me due to that.
  3. Shot a 92 on Saturday afternoon. Somewhat disappointed as I shot a 45 front and birdied hole 10. That's when things went downhill. I proceeded to bogey 11, double-bogey 12, triple-bogey 13, then double-bogey 14. Yeesh! I was getting tired and the wind was howling with 30MPH gusts all day. I was finally able to pick my game back up on the 15th but by that time it was too late to really save anything from the round... I was really hoping to break into the 80's, with the birdie on 10, I thought I was on my way. I probably put too much pressure on myself to shoot well on the back nine and it had the opposite effect of what I wanted. Oh well, there's always next time. :)
  4. It's not 4" of bare ground, it's just the deepest part of the divot is about 4" past the ball. The divot should start almost immediately past the ball.
  5. The highest degree wedge I have in my arsenal right now is my SW. On wet sand shots, would it be better if I use the gap wedge out for green-side hits?
  6. Ahhh okay. Yeah, sounded like kind of a cookie-cutter apology. Probably best to just move on like you're doing. :)
  7. May we inquire the specifics of the resolution? :D
  8. -8 strokes to put those all down to acceptable 2 putts. -2 for two chunked chips you shoot an 85. This game can be maddening, can't it? We've all had those days. The good score gone bad by little mistakes that soon add up heavily on the score card. Obviously the putting is the thing to work on there, but if your first putts for most of those were from a considerable distance or had aggressive break, don't beat yourself up too bad. I don't know if you're like this, but I used to be the type of person that would lose my composure quickly with 3-putts and duffed chips, just stay positive and play each shot independently and hopefully you won't see too many more of those dreaded 3-putts. :)
  9. I also played here in Minneapolis on Saturday (2PM Tee-time, never really warmed up though). We were playing a Links style course, so there weren't many trees on the interior holes to keep the wind down, it was rainy and cold. I was wearing a Polo T under a sweatshirt and I was also wearing a fall jacket over that. For the first couple holes, I played like crap, With all of that stuff on, I didn't feel I could make a solid swing at the ball. So I decided to remove both the jacket and the sweatshirt and bear the cold. I shot 49 on the front due to the first 4 holes being a double-bogey, double-bogey, triple-bogey, double-bogey. After removing all that stuff, I was able to turn my score around, especially on the back-9 where I shot a 42. I was pretty happy with the 91 after such a crappy front nine. I only wish I had removed my extra-layers earlier, as I had felt I was playing pretty well after all of that. My hands remained cold pretty much the entirety of the round (which I despise while playing golf).
  10. Dicks Sporting Goods in-house brand (it might be at Golf Galaxy now since Dick's owns them now as well). When I worked for Dicks back in 2006, their Walter Hagen offerings were (IMO) pretty bad. Seemed like they were just copying all the conventions of what Taylor Made was doing and still had the nerve to charge top dollar for them. Just my opinion, but I didn't think the Walter Hagen brand brought anything to the table that made them worth the money they were asking.
  11. Yeah, the reviews from everyone here really convinced me. The swing did really feel natural last night when doing it. Before, I felt as if I were forcing things (hips, shoulders, wrists, etc.) to be in the right place at the right time. Probably sending my tempo into dissaray. I'm really excited to hit a ball and see if this really is as good as it sounds. :D
  12. Just purchased this book last night and read it in one sitting. Pretty interesting stuff. I went and swung my Sandwedge to the audio CD last night, and found 27/9 to be quite slow. I went to 24/8 and that seemed to be my normal up and down speed (though I don't know if it were in 3:1 tempo or not). I'm going to practice with it again tonight and see if 21/7 is the better tempo for me. As a lot of other people have said though, it immediately makes you think about lining up the beeps and not worrying about swing mechanics. I'm excited to start hitting some balls with this tempo and see if my contact has improved.
  13. Hi all, I just played 18 yesterday, and while I didn't score that well, I felt I was as hot with the flat stick as I've ever been. I had 29 total putts yesterday. Far lower than what I usually do per 18. What's an acceptable amount to you guys out there? Just trying to find out what I should really be aiming for (Obviously, I'm aiming for as low as I can go, but would like a tangible number if possible).
  14. Congrats on the 80. Man, that 18" putt you're talking about probably would have ruined my day if it were me. Taking a stroke for something like that usually gets to me pretty bad (something I need to work on).
  15. Only recently have I felt like I've gotten the putting stroke down fairly well. It's been the weakest part of my game since I've started playing. The thing I always thought I was doing, but actually wasn't doing was putting with my shoulders. I've been putting with my forearms and my hands, and didn't even realize it. I thought I was putting with my shoulders, but alas that was not the case. What I did to correct this, was concentrate on stroking with my shoulder blades. This has led to a much better pendulum stroke, and I'm A LOT more confident in distance control. Remember too, you should ONLY be putting with your shoulders. Your lower body should NOT be moving at all (a concept that took a long time for me to grasp). Proper posture is important too, practice with a comfortable posture and hold the pose... I hope this helps you. :D
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