I think if youll just pay attention to keeping your hands in front of the clubhead and ball youll naturally do some of the things you're supposed to. I was a caster and the biggest leap in my iron game came when my instructor said to pay attention to keeping my hands in front of the clubhead through the ball. This pretty much guarantees my divot will be in front of the ball and that I will be hitting down. It also naturally pulled me forward so my weight was on my left (front) leg, my left arm was parallel to that leg and the clubhead and ball were behind (middle of stance). I almost completely stopped topping off the ball, my shots would go the same distance (unless I came in steep) and every divot was in front of every ball.
You might try addressing the ball, put your weight on your left (front) foot and run your right arm parallel to your left leg. Now hit the ball. I think that's the feeling you want when you make contact. Now address the ball normally, do your swing and simply pay attention to keeping your hands in front of the clubhead as long as possible. You may end up naturally shifting your weight into proper position.