Right now I'm at the end of 4th week of this program.
Here is the website: stronglifts.com
The program is very simple. Lift three days a week (MWF typically) Alternate between workout A and B. Example week 1 do A B A week 2 B A B so on. 12 weeks
A) Squat, Bench, Bent over row.
B) Squat, overhead press, deadlift
all lifts are 5x5 except deadlifts is 1x5 not including warmups which is detailed on the website.
Start light and add 5 pounds every workout on every lift except deadlift you add 10. Focus is on form, depth (no half squats) Then when you fail you try again 2 times then deload 10% and build back up.
I'm very happy so far. I'm a novice lifter and for sure seeing results. Losing weight, feeling stronger, getting results fast.
I've worked out quite a bit in the past 3 years on and off and this is the quickest I've seen results. Its useable strength that for sure will translate into golf. The stability and core strength needed for all the lifts and overall strength I'm confident will help in mantaining balance and give me the ability to swing better.
Right now my weights are 185 squat deadlift, 115 bench row, 75 overhead press. Its getting heavy fast. Hoping to not fail for a few weeks but squats and the press are challenging.
Any questions welcome but I'm not an expert. Just an easy program to follow that seems to be helping me in changing my body.