My quoting of his driving distance was merely an attempt to satirize the typical over-reaction to claims about length around here, guess it didn't come across that way, so I apologise.
I'm not saying that an increase in distance will
result in a decrease in accuracy, but if you wanted a generalisation, I'd say for the average golfer, spread increases with length. There will be exceptions, I'm not trying to say this is applicable to absolutely everyone. The theoretical situation at the bottom of my post was just my input of "don't worry about it, it's not the worst situation to be in".
I play without a driver because like I said, I haven't found one that I actually feel comfortable using. Thus, I'm playing from more forward tees. The reason I pick those tees is the same reason you feel comfortable playing from the tips, because it's within the limits of our current respective skill levels. I don't spend all day trying to hit greens with a hybrid/4i because of my choice of tees, and you're sufficiently good so that you don't have to either, even from the tips.
I get a driver, I will absolutely move back to a longer set of tees, because I'll have more length off the tee, and avoid having to hit hybrid/4i for every approach shot. I really can't fathom why hackers (I include myself in this group, I suppose :|) would want to play from the tips, it just doesn't make sense. It's demoralising as hell if I get a ridiculous score on any given hole, playing from the tips would just be begging for every hole to go wrong.
So I'm absolutely 100% not saying "distance is the devil, don't try to work on it", not even a little. I'd gladly accept more distance in a heartbeat, and I'm definitely striving to get more out of my 3w (as my current "driver") but it's just not the focus of my game, nor does it drag me down to think I'm only getting 200-210 off the tee. I was really just attempting to reassure the OP that there's a set of tees for everyone, and there's no shame in playing from the forward men's tees.