Hi all,
I have played golf on and off since I was 16 (am now 22) without ever putting in much practice other than playing rounds. In 2018 I decided I wanted to pursue some sort of career in golf (most likely as a club professional) and so started putting in some hard hours. I spent March - May of 2018 practicing a lot (5-6 hours a day) and cut my handicap more than in half, from 11 to 5 in a 2 month period after playing about 5 or 6 qualifying rounds at my home course (the best of which being +1). I could play to probably a 2-3 handicap after this practice period but there just simply wasn’t enough tournaments at that time of year to get the handicap down any faster. I then barely touched a golf club for about 8/9 months due to work commitments. In March of this year I played a couple rounds, and really enjoyed myself, so put in some light practice in the following couple weeks and played in my first qualifier in ages last weekend, shooting +4. My short game was rubbish, but my ball striking was surprisingly good.
I know this is information overload but I am trying to get across the time frames in which I was able to achieve things previously and with what length of practice etc... My question is, based on previous practice results, if I wanted to aim for a handicap of say +3 or +4 how long do you reckon this would take and is achieving tour pro status ever going to be realistic?
I find myself in a situation where if I wanted to I could practice 6-7 hours a day, with access to very good quality tuition - I understand this would be a multi year project, but even with all this in mind, am I living in fantasy land?