Okay, I've got to chime in here. Firstly, as someone with ADHD, your posts are very difficult to follow. You must have a worse case of it than I do! That said, I agree with some of your observations. I think there are some built in motor skills that can easily be transferred over to the golf swing with a few tweaks here and there.
One great example is the motion required to throw a medicine ball. When throwing a medicine ball sideways, your hips don't sway way over your back foot. They rotate back, your arms go in, back, and up. On the way down your arms drop passively, going down forward and out, maximizing the centrifugal force, and you "finish" with your weight forward, fully rotated, and with your arms extended. No chicken wing, no hanging back, it's just a natural motion. That said, you don't have to control the face of a medicine ball or time ball/turf contact.
So while I can see how using basic, natural motor skills can be used to demonstrate proper moves to a beginner or to reprogram a problematic golfer, I can't see how someone could progress much past that without some more specific, detailed instruction. Also I don't think that NJF could possibly work for EVERYONE. You have already admitted that there is more than one way to learn, and I would put NJF into that category. It's a way to teach or learn, but not the ONLY way. I personally learn best from seeing someone doing something or having an instructor put me into a good position. In things other than golf, I learn best from seeing things done and then doing them myself.
In summation, while I think you could definitely have a successful teaching program, I don't think your methodology is the BEST way for EVERYONE to learn. Those words are in caps because I do think that it COULD be the best way for SOME people. If you want the people on this site to take you seriously, you need to provide some proof or evidence of your claims other than just your words. I would say Golf is like a religion to most of us, and you're asking us to switch denominations just because you think your church is better! Right you're asking for faith from the skeptical, and those two just don't coalesce.