I'm like you. I'm not that great, but i love the game.
Practice, practice,
more practice!
I live on a golf course now, & i walk out in the evening & practice pitching, chipping, & putting. What a difference. Most high handicappers lose it around the green. That is where the "feel" shots come in. It's hard to practice this stuff during a round of golf when it's busy, & most people @ the ranges put the emphasis on the "big drives". The pressure of having that "one" shot to get it on the green gets the nerves tingling, & the skulling starts. I realize that not everyone can live on a course, but to go out, with a dozen balls, & practice anything u want, by yourself, is remarkable. My confidence level is already rising. By being alone practicing, i'm also more calm. That feeling is now ingrained in me during my round.