Im lying one under a pine tree, and my practice swing has no obstructions, I break nothing bend nothing simply put Im clear from branches.
I hit the ball clean and after contact in follow through I break 3 branches. Is there a penalty? I would think not since ball was no longer at its lie.
Ive always asked to mark someone elses ball in a 4some. If they are pitching from the woods and land pin side and the other 3 are on and his ball is now in the path of 2 other balls maybe 3. Ill ask first, but in recreational golf I dont see how a golfer should take it to heart.
No offense but living in Montana, gives one much less of a reason to carry, unless your going for a hike. The east coast is becoming a real mess IMO, you would feel unsafe just by reading your local paper. I think a storms brewing and if the economy doesnt improve, there is going to be a real mess between Newark, NJ and DC.
I played last night on aerated greens and shot mid 90s I stopped caring halfway through cause the putting was soooo bad.
Ill be accused of sandbagging for the first 3 or 4 holes then POW! The hammer shows up and ruins my hole. Give me a triple!
Last night shot a round where I made no putts from 3 feet to 6 feet. misread each one by an inch or two left or right. On the last hole, I wasnt even able to determine a break. When looking at the green from 4 feet out I couldnt determine any deoth of the green, the pattern of the plugs created an optical illusion.
Anyone else have difficulty reading a green with aeration marks?
Not only do I have a hard time reading I have noticed that aerations with inadequate sand allow the balls roll to tend to stay in line with whatever pattern they catch. Instead of a gradual break it becomes a step by step break. Usually I dont have this much of a problem with aeration, but sand tends to be up to the lip of the holes.
better to be safe, how does waiting a minute or so really matter. If someone told me "hurry up and hit, you wont hit them"...Ill politely ask them to go play there ball. Ive given up honors, just so I dont land the green. Get this...Im not worried about hitting someone on the green, Im worried that they'll take my ball. when it happens to you its a round destroyer and its happened to me 3x.
Yea your right. My remark had nothing to do with those concerns. My point was in reference to the previous poster stating he was on roids. The man obviously strenghtened his upper body and core, whether it was due to roids isnt the issue. My comment was that if he were to be juicing for distance simply look at the LD player.
If he did, he is downright foolish. I dont see why he would need it, unless he thought his strength pre roids wasnt going to help him get to the next level....even if he did do it,,what the hell would it do for him? The LD champion is a string bean.
Im tired after walking a round, especially on a hilly course in the heat. I tend to play hilly courses more so than the majority of the tour courses, just where I live I guess. I have a great deal of respect for the conditioning of the tour players. It would be easier though if I werent carrying my bag. I also notice that the pro's walk very slowly and put very little effort in their trips down the fairway. I on the other hand will climb a hill with bag on back, like a mountain hiker. That cant help you maintain relaxed back muscles.
I just looked up ESC and its def. I dont use this during a round to the rule. I read that with my HI I would max at a 7? Even on a par 5? I may have taken a few 9's this year, I may have even applied the rule when I was over 10 and gave myself an 9, thats been a while. If this is what the USGA intended my HI would probably be 2 strokes lower by now, just not interested in using it.
I drive into trees, or beyond them onto another hole. Hitting a lob over trees directly in front of me and landing the green especially when the trees are directly in front of me and I need to go vertical fast! Only problem is that the last 3 or 4 Ive tried I failed!
The heavier a taller person is, the taller they appear. Ive played basketball all my life with people much taller than me, the strangest oddity is when I play against someone my height 6'3+ who weighs about 300 lbs. They are just massive and hard to play against they seem taller too.
Im pretty much the same size as A Rod 224lbs. and Ive never see Tiger in person, but judging the stats above, his lighter weight will make him look much smaller than ARod.
didnt read the entire post so I have no idea why the comparison was made.
I would say Ernie Els would make Tiger look small.