What were your impressions on the difference between the two clubs? I currently am hitting 09 burners too and have a fitting line up at the Mizuno store in 2 weeks. I haven't hit any other irons yet and keep thinking to myself is it really necessary to spend $$ on new irons when my current ones are perfectly adequate. But then I look at photos of them and think I HAVE to have them!
Mega difference in feel, control and on mis-hits. I personally had an "accuracy" problem with the Burners. Especially when it came to judging distance. A huge + is on mis-hits. The Burners used to sting big-time on thin shots. The Mizuno's still feel "soft" when you blow it. Also, it's important to point out that the Mizuno's are a forged club. I'm told that is what aids in the softness and feel.
I'm not sure there is ever a good time to spend $$$ on clubs when you don't HAVE to. But, in my case, it proved to be a good move and I don't regret it one bit. I should point out that I had no idea I would end up with Mizuno's until someone on this board suggested I try them before making a final decision on any club. I need to buy that guy a cold beer
I hope this helps. And by the way, they look good as well!
Let me know how this turns out...