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About beachgolfer

  • Birthday 11/30/1968

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    Newport Beach

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  1. beachgolfer


  2. I'm going to give the MP T11 (56* 13) a shot this weekend.
  3. I just found out about this device today. It looks really cool. The reviews and photos submitted here of the SM kit have turned me from skeptical to definitely interested in the SM. As a high-handicapper (20) that plays 1-2 per week I have some questions for you more experienced SM users... What is "Load Factor" in the SM fitting chart? I am a 90-100 swing speed. Someone mentioned getting fitted for the SM but it looks like you order directly from Harrison??? Does it aid in reducing side spin? Is it only for those with a repeatable, consistent swing? Will it fit into the 910D2 adjustable stock Kai'li shaft? Thanks in advance for any answers!
  4. Here is a good place to start: http://www.ustmamiya.com/swingfit/
  5. Here is a place where you can buy $2 per and $1 per Z Star. I have ordered from this place and was not disappointed. $2 - http://www.jerrysgolfballs.com/golfballs/srixon/srixon-z-star-yellow-golf-balls.html $1 - http://www.jerrysgolfballs.com/golfballs/srixon/srixon-z-star-yellow-golf-balls-110.html M
  6. Man! I can't think of the last time I was as excited to try something new. That Q Star commercial totally speaks to me. Soooo getting some for this weekend.
  7. I have a Cleveland Mashie M4 and it's a serious gardening tool when you're in the (heavy) rough. I am looking for a deal on a Raylor becuase I've heard so many great things about them. I'd like to compare the two side-by-side.
  8. They get better with age :-)
  9. I'm a 25 HC that plays 2-3 times per week with 3 month old JPX-800 PROs and I dig them. I knew there would be a learning curve but, I'm glad I got them. Hope this helps.
  10. Quote: What were your impressions on the difference between the two clubs? I currently am hitting 09 burners too and have a fitting line up at the Mizuno store in 2 weeks. I haven't hit any other irons yet and keep thinking to myself is it really necessary to spend $$ on new irons when my current ones are perfectly adequate. But then I look at photos of them and think I HAVE to have them! Mega difference in feel, control and on mis-hits. I personally had an "accuracy" problem with the Burners. Especially when it came to judging distance. A huge + is on mis-hits. The Burners used to sting big-time on thin shots. The Mizuno's still feel "soft" when you blow it. Also, it's important to point out that the Mizuno's are a forged club. I'm told that is what aids in the softness and feel. I'm not sure there is ever a good time to spend $$$ on clubs when you don't HAVE to. But, in my case, it proved to be a good move and I don't regret it one bit. I should point out that I had no idea I would end up with Mizuno's until someone on this board suggested I try them before making a final decision on any club. I need to buy that guy a cold beer I hope this helps. And by the way, they look good as well! Let me know how this turns out...
  11. Wow! One of the nicest setups I've ever seen :-)
  12. Hm? Both the Wishon and Cleveland wedges look pretty nice. I imagine it's that flat, wide sole that allows for the "sure out?"
  13. I attempted to post a classified and it said I need to close an existing classified. To my knowledge I do not have any other classifieds??? Will someone please help me. Thank you.
  14. Quote: I hate when guys play from the blues but clearly shouldn't. Has it become a macho thing? I think it has. I have been paired up with guys who are relieved when I tell them I play from the whites. It happens a lot. They will be warming up on the blues and when I tell them I play from the whites they say "oh, ok, ya, I guess we will too."
  15. Wow. What a lot of great feedback! Since they are non-conforming can you use them to play rounds that you keep in your handicap index? Or, is that cheating? I think I may pick one up for the girlfriend. She is all about getting out as opposed to finesse :-) Quote: Not sure what you mean by their grooves being "beyond their use", but they are obviously non-conforming due to their age, but if the grooves are in good shape, then nothing wrong with using them today as long as you don't do competitions and such that require conforming grooves I just meant are the grooves shot after 25+ years :-)
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