I was playing in a qualifying round for interclub competition. On one hole, my tee shot hit a tree that is in the right side of the fairway, after which the ball disappeared from my view. I asked my fellow competitors if anyone saw my ball drop or go to the right into the red staked area (the red staked area does not contain any water... grrr.... but that's another issue).
None of the others saw the ball after it hit the tree. My response was that in that case the ball may be lost and I should hit a provisional. One of the fellow competitors said, "That's fine; however, if you hit a provisional but find your original ball in the lateral water hazard, then you must abandon the provisional and play the original ball
as it lies.
I agreed with him, but added that the rules allow for a number of one-stroke-penalty options when a ball lies in a lateral water hazard and that I have a right to exercise those options. He countered that he read in the rules that hitting a provisional in this case would negate those options.
I was stunned. We went back and forth on this. Another of the fellow competitors sided with him but the other did not get involved.
I've never heard of such a rule, and I'm convinced it's nonsense. For example, what if the red staked area actually contained water and my ball was in 3 feet of water? According to my fellow competitor, I would be required to play it from that position had I hit a provisional!?!?!?!?
Anyway, the outcome, if anyone is curious, was that my 3 fellow competitors were in agreement that if the ball was not the fairway/rough then it must be in the lateral water hazard (a very faulty assumption in my opinion) and that I should simply take a two-club drop from the red stakes near the tree. For the sake of harmony and moving the round along, I proceeded as they suggested.