Hello Sand Trap! My first blog post comes on the same day as my last round of the season. I thought my season was over last weekend, but I was pleasantly surprised last weekend with some birthday cash (3 months late - but hey, I'm not complaining) that allowed me to get in another round this weekend (as well as a new divot tool). My home course has a junior rate of $10 after noon, so I decided to try and squeeze in 18 there before sunset at 4:30 instead of going down to Green Meadows about 30 minutes south. The course was deserted and I ended up playing a nice 27 all by myself. I only saw 6 other groups all day and not a single soul for the last 9 holes, save a pair of people on the ninth. I found the solitude peaceful and played some of the best golf of my life. I shot 59 on the front (I was just warming up... cut me some slack!) then went 50-50 for an even 100 on the back/front (again). This was my lowest score to date at this course by 6 strokes, and back before I had my surgery in September (when I posted the 106) I was a notorious footwedger and do-over-er... I have since kicked such amateur habits and am posting very legitimate scores now (save one mulligan per 9 holes... hey, it's just for fun, right?). I hit 3, 4, and 1 fairways, respectively, which made me especially happy. I have a pretty vicious cut (I try not to use the s word) which makes me unable to hit driver and hope to keep the ball in the same county, so now I hit 4 iron off every tee. I still cut a little with that, but it's much easier to control, so tee shots have been getting much better lately. My long iron (4/5/6) consistency in the fairways has been getting much better, especially during my second and third nines today, which was quite pleasing. My putting was very good too, with 16, 19, and 16 putts. The only gripe I have about my round was my short game, which is normally my strong point, being very off-and-on, chunked wedges and poor bunker play being the main culprits of my frustration.
Anyway, I hope to keep posting in my blog weekly over the winter, updating the stages of my withdrawal... It should be interesting.
Thanks for reading!