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About Chriasp

  • Birthday 06/25/1991

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  1. Chriasp


  2. The round itself went bad, but it finally worked for me on 13th and onwards.. 101 strokes. But I got a little story that made me happy! To get some backstory: I started playing last July and fell in love with the game. I have been doing good and practised alot. I reached 18 HCP by the end of the year last year. This year I have changed homecourse to a harder course. The rating is 134/73.9 and I am playing from 5900m/6400yards. I have been in a slump lately and have been posting scores in the high 90s. I have been struggling to activate my hip through the swing and my driver typically went 200-220m/220-240yards. On hole 13 today everything just came so easy to me. I figured out exactly what I was doing wrong and I started the swing with my lower body. The 13th hole is a 430m/470yards par 4. And I decided to keep my driver in the bag the entire round. I pull out my 3H and light the f***er up! 240m/262yards down the middle of the fairway. Damn it felt good! I played a 7 iron in for a 2 putt and a par. It felt so good. I wasn't sure if it was a rare occasion or just that thing fell into place. I teed up on hole 14 - A par 5 on 470m/514yards. I split the fairways once more. The fairways has some slope but not much and I found my shot in the middle of the fairway. 256m/280yards! I ended up paring the hole with a lip out birdie put. I kept using my 3H and averaged 230m/250yards on the last holes. Felt so good, my irons went straighter and longer aswell! Curious on how I will hit my driver with the "new" swing. Sorry for the wall of text. I just had to share it with someone other than my playing partner. https://i.imgur.com/9t03Yv2.jpghttps://i.imgur.com/yXIzr92.jpg
  3. Absolutely. Just sold the driver for 190$. Already +270$ from two sold clubs. I reckon the Ping G10 irons will be abit harder to move. Haven't listed the G30 woods yet
  4. I bought them to resell them. Want to get some funds to buy myself some new clubs. Already sold the putter for 260$
  5. Thanks for the site. Should I go after the trade in value or resale value? It's a pretty big difference 350$ vs 744$
  6. Hi guys, So i came over something i tought was a pretty good deal yesterday. I paid about 180 USD for all + a nike cart bag, but I need some help to value the clubs after model and how they look. The clubs are as following: Ping G10 Irons Blue Dot - 5-9 + PW + SW + LW Ping G10 21dg Hybrid Callaway XR15 (?) with head cover Ping G30 5w and 3w (3wood wasn't used much so keeping it myself) with cover R7 driver with cover and 3wood Scotty Cameron Newport 2 Tei3 I have uploaded some images so you can look at the state of the clubs. Every help is appriciated!! :) Link to imgur: https://imgur.com/a/tohMclU
  7. Thanks for the feedbak. Looks like we are going for this setup: Day 1: 75% HCP from 56 tees: Stableford with Closest to pin and Longest Drive Day 2: 100% HCP from 62 tees (only 6 holes): Strokeplay Think this might be fair and fun for everyone. And I have said that if people don't want to play from 62 tees that is fair :) Trophies are ordered and I am getting pretty excited
  8. Thanks for all the feedback and advice guys. Only reason I am considering 75% handicap is because a 36 handicapper is getting 44 strokes from 5600. And the mens league on this course is 75% handicap stableford and have proven to be pretty fair for everyone. I think i will up the handicap to 100% on the Stroke play but keep the 6200 tee. It's really only longer on 3 holes (it's a 9hole course). And everyone that is participating are long strikers except me. The slope rating for 5600 is 72/128 and for 6200 its 74,9/144. But atleast 4 of the 62 tees is played as 5600 tee. We do all want to play the hardest hole from 6200. It's 580m from 6200 and 477 from 5600.
  9. I know you got alot of wisdom on everything golf @iacas. And I really wanna make this as fair as possible for everyone. You got any advice for me?
  10. Thanks guys. It's been a really fun year and I am so sad that the season soon is over. One of the major things I have been getting a lot better at is to play from bad lies since my drives still is short and all over the place. But my 5 last rounds I have hit 15m or closer to the pin for 84% from 100-125meters and 83% from 50-75 meters. I am still lacking a good percentage on 75-100 meters, but I am lacking a 52degree in my bag atm. Short game are getting very good atm.
  11. Hey guys, I have decided to host a Friends open as a last official end to the season. We will be around 7-9 players participating in the range from 15-36 in HCP. We are all playing at our home course and I am in need of some help. I am trying to figure out the most fair formats to play for everyone. I want the one that plays the best to be the winner. So my suggestions were. Day 1: Playing the 18 hole as 5600 meters and a Stableford format with a 75% HCP. Players will score points by the placements they get. Day 2: Playing the 18 holes as 6200 meters as stroke play with 50% HCP. Players will get points by the placement. If there is a tie there will be a playoff hole(s) with 50% HCP. Does this seem like a fair setup or will this favor a higher handicap and vice versa? Thanks in advance.
  12. So I started playing golf this year after a couple of times on the range. I took the intro course on the 17th of june and started playing right after. I had a goal to get down to 25 in HCP, from 54 (clubhandicap here in Norway). I reached my goal mid august and played myself down to 24.2. I was happy and didn't really expect more. Last week i had 2x18 hole rounds and one 9 hole (due to massive rain). My goal got blown away. I am now 17.4 and I am immensly proud. With about 3 weeks left of the season I am hoping I can get a little lower, but we will see. Just wanted to share it and brag a little My last rounds: My home course, played with a stranger - Had a 87 round Went with a friend to his home course. Only played it twice and posted an even 100. Was a good score, but ended to write myself alittle bit up. 3rd round was at my home course again, posted a 44 front 9 and had to end it due to massive rain.
  13. A little revamp and update of my 2017 golf goals. 19.06.2017: I just finished my intro course and the goal I had in mind was to reach under 100 and 25 in index. 31.07.2017 I am regularly under under 100 with my best score at 90. My index is around 25 ish. I didn't write myself down on the 90 round since I felt I was overperforming. My new goals is to get rid of the slice on the driver and add another 20-30 yards to my drive. (Currently all over the place from 200 to the longest on 299yards). I would also love to win the Club championship. I am participating in 2 classes - Men Stableford (This is the one I hope to win) and net stroke (hope to place decent and go a round around 90). If I can't do it all this year I am not disappointed since I have reached my first goals in less then 1.5 months!!!
  14. I haven't had chance to play so many courses in my short career. But hole 3, a par 5 on my home course is a real bitch for me. It's a dogleg left with water on the right. Heavy rough on the left and right side. The fairway is tilting to the right. So unless you play the tee shot far left you will not be able to stick to the fairway. Then second shot has to be placed between 3 bunkers to have a decent short game on this course. You can see the layout on the attachement.
  15. Yeah, i sent an email asking if they would extend the offer to friday for me so I can atleast try them out. Both Vapor fly and XR OS usually retail for 815$ here in Norway.
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