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  • Posts

    • Day 181 - Warmed up with some pitching, main focus was impact positions. Some good partial swings have me feeling like I’m progressing well, just need that to transfer to the full swing. 
    • Wordle 1,115 3/6* ⬛🟦🟧⬛⬛ 🟧🟧🟧⬛🟧 🟧🟧🟧🟧🟧
    • I bought something similar to this.  Amazon.com This allows me to use my phone for recording my swing. At least I don't have to ask some random person at the range to video tape it. 😉
    • https://thesandtrap.com/b/playing_tips/filming_your_swing   @DrMetal
    • Had a very consistent round of 78 at Silverhorn GC, San Antonio, TX. GHIN tells me my differential was 7.7. The greens were slow and grainy so I was never able to figure out how to hole any of my birdie putts. A few times the numerous doglegs stymied me but for the most part I maneuvered around the course in the fairway and on the green in regulation. Made a mess on one hole and had to breakout some bandages when a thorny vine interrupted my punch out. Looking forward to returning to the more temperate climes of the Mitten.  
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