I all too often find that putting in particular is shortly followed by sledging, what ever the outcome, positive or negative when playing with mates.
This thread is in relation to the "names for a good shot" thread, but thought i should start a new one so i didnt stray off topic, kind of like i am now.
Anyway, putting + sledging.
I pride myself on sledging my mates during rounds, trying to take away any ounce of self-confidence they may have. You may think im an ******* for doing so, but i dont care.
I find putting leaves golfers most vaulnerable (sorry if thats spelt wrong), especially in pressure situations.
Leaving putts short for pars/birdies and desperate bogeys can be followed up with,
"where's your handbag Nancy?" or,
"does your husband play?"
Driving a ball out of bounds can be followed with,
"the greens that way, Ray" (no offence to any Ray Charles fans)
You get the point.
Its all about rubbing salt it the wound. Make that terrible shot hurt them more so. I want to hear your sledging lines in regards to crappy golf shots in general.
Got any classic lines?