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About samsquanch

  • Birthday 11/30/1992

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Your Golf Game

  • Index: 2.7
  • Plays: Lefty

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  1. Better shovel the snow off your roof!!!!!!
  2. Pull out the Al Pacino flip out. Its their responsibility. Go on a rant and tell them they are cockaroaches.
  3. Grips DO add swingweight, just to confirm with you... Sorry I don't know how much...
  4. I open my stance up, aim my clubface square to the target, aim like 4 inches behind the ball and rip it. Comes out really high and soft. On longer shots I just don't take as much sand, and square up to the target a bit more.
  5. I've tried both. I really like the FT-i, its nice, thats all I can say. The superquad I thought was nice too, I didnt like the "mushy"ness of it and it sort of sounded weird IMO.
  6. Yes. It makes the putting stroke almost perfect, and hands almost don't come into play at all, and I thought this game was all about hands. You should have to use your hands!
  7. started 5.8 finished 2.8 RCGA handicap
  8. I say 20
  9. Golf Pride Tour Velvet full cord...with the logo on the side where I can't see it... Nicest grips I've ever owned.
  10. Green size: average-big Putts per round: 30 or less Putter: Odyssey white hot xg #1/#9 3 putts: 1 or less
  11. Well, I do my last day of golf on November 15th. Then, in order to keep myself from flipping out at someone, I have to sit in a small room with the walls painted white, with nothing inside, no windows, no bed, etc. except the occasional meal from the outer world. There I wait biting my arms bloody an raw waiting for spring to come.
  12. Just a thought but your a little across the line a the top... You're clubhead is aimed well right of your target at the top of your swing.
  13. Skilled Trickelson
  14. Heck Yes I am watching today!!! I say it is a Duval-Mickelson shootout Mickelson- 66-60-61-56 =243 (-37) Duval- 78-67-57-40 =242 (-38) I am a hardcore Phil fan, but comon, Go Duval, then Phil.
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