I would suggest recording your swing and investigating if you are hitting down on the ball. with irons hitting down is what you want, but in a driver you really need to hit upwards when trying to launch the ball. tee the ball a little higher up, start with your right shoulder (if you are a righty) leaning more towards the ground so your shoulders point slightly upward towards the sky. you can also try to put more weight on your back foot, try 40% on your front foot 60% on your back foot. also place the ball off your right heel. i replicate this by setting the driver head by the ball, with my feet together even to the ball. then i move my left foot out a couple of inches and set up my stance with my right foot taking most of the width of the distance between the feet. then move the club head back an inch or two so your swing plane is moving upwards instead of downwards. you want to catch the ball on the upswing