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King Cobra II

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About King Cobra II

  • Birthday 11/30/1990

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  1. its sort of funny that im revisting this post almost 3 years later....i cant belive how the time has flown by. i finally did end up going ahead and getting a 16 degree the other day (adams idea pro gold), and i must say that i like it. i didnt mind my 5 wood at all, but the hybrid is a little easier to control, which makes it the ideal club to pull when hitting in a par 5, or even off a tee shot that is real tight
  2. based off of what you said you were looking for i would say go with 5 wood. i carry a 3 and a 5 (13.5 and 18.5), or occasionaly trade out the 5 w for a 2H. the 5 wood is easier to shape consistently, and also easier to hit out of the fairway and rough. it would also fit the distance you were looking for a bit better i think.
  3. if you were to post a video it might be easier to tell for sure but my bet is that your pulling your irons just a little bit. one year i started steadily coming over the top....no one poinited out to me that i was aimed well right with my wedges and irons. i began to hit pw 145-155, but couldnt hit drive to save my life, either i sliced it or pulled it 90 yards left. i would have someone check your alignment and make sure that your setting up to the ball with both clubs the same. if you are in fact just making better swings with your irons just try and make as many observations as you can as to why you might be hitting it better...ie ball position, alignment, face/club position, stance, distance from the ball, swing thoughts ext. good luck!
  4. when i hit a high draw i feel like my wrists and grip pressure are very light, i swing the club smoothly from the inside and really focus on swinging it out to right field. that coupled with the ball up in my stance about a ball or two, lets me hit a higher shot when need be. the high draw is a great shot to have, hope this helps you figure it out!
  5. When you roll your wrists and the ball goes left its because you swung outside (over plane), your target line with a closed face. This is the sister miss to a slice. To get your ball to go out straight go left, or stay straight, you need to swing the club from the inside. what i would do is take a 6 or 7 iron and go to the range and practice punch shots with a very closed stance so that you can get the feeling of swinging from the inside. you should also make sure that you get your shoulders square, or maybe even a little right of the target line, this will make it much easier to swing the club from the inside. once you start hitting the ball with a draw on the punch shots, progress to full shots, and then try it with the driver, it may still go a little right if you leave the face open, but it certainly wont slice, and it will be a much more powerfull shot. i hope this helps!
  6. Hey guys, I'm putting a few items up here that I will also be posting on ebay. If you want to inbox me for pics or talk prices feel free! The only item I'm looking for in trade right now is an r11 tp driver. 909d2-73 X blueboard : shafts in excellent shape, put in this year, new grip when installed. The head is also in great shape (8.5-9/10). It's a 9.5 degree, and headcover is included! ping i15- 83 x white board- great looking club in fantastic shape (9/10). I think its 9 degrees of loft, but I'd have to check! Headcover is included ping S59's- great set of used irons, still in great shape, a few minor dings on the soles, but nothing major, and nothing that is visually unappealing at address. The shafts are project x 5.5, but the labels were removed when they were regripped (my request, they were looking a little ragged). The grips are 2 weeks old (lamkin cords). set includes 3-pw If you have any questions or want pictures, feel free!
  7. Just wondering who here has played these clubs and with what level of success they had. I've played blades previously (695's), but ultimately got rid of them because the shafts were to stiff (7.0). I'm currently playing x20 tours and have no real legit complaints but i had the oppurtunity to get the pings at a great price so i gave it a go? Any feed back on these clubs would be great! Thanks
  8. is it still possible to be coming over the top (out/in) with the towel in place?
  9. http://www.swingacademy.com/videoPlayer.aspx?id=8781
  10. I'm what one might call a "club whore" as I'm always fasinated by trying out new things and re configuring the bag with different set ups...i.e 3 vs 4 wedges, stuff like that. What I've learned is that used clubs are a solution to this. The only draw back to someone who loves the latest and greatest is the best deals usually come on clubs that are a model or so behind. Last year I wanted to add a gap wedge...I picked up a callaway X (50 degree) on ebay for $11.99, after regripping it myself it was a $20 dollar purchase. I decided a new driver was in order this spring and am a bit of a titliest guy when it comes to woods. I opted to get a used 909d2 over a 910d2 and was able to get it shipped for $120. Now I realize $120 is almost triple $50, but its also less then a third of those new $400 drivers, maybe its the happy medium that gets us what we want at a decent price
  11. hey guys, ive been reading alot into my divots to tell me why my ball does what it does. ive come to notice that i almost never have that in to out divot that would result in a draw. ive been watching swings of better golfers and discussing in some degree with others about droping the club into the slot in order to come form the inside. i struggled to do it on the course today, and could use some advice and drills to go about learning to do this so it becomes second nature...as always any advice is appreciated, thanks!
  12. hey yall i was hoping someone here could give me some help based off of what ive described... so essentially im having a ton of difficulty hitting a low ball or draw and have been told i dont get my hips all the way thru so therefore i dont really finish my swing with my shoulders i just sort of hang them out high. as of late the miss has been a pull or a slice. i need some advice on what to work on at the range, any help is appreciated. thanks guys
  13. Towards the end of this summer I was really hammering the ball, hitting my driver comfortably about 290, with a very very slight cut... Since then my swing sorta fell in and outta sorts, was shanking for a little while, and have seemed to get back on track, accept I've lost almost all ability to hit woods, esp driver. I can feel my arms cutting across my body and my swing finishes sort of up and away, instead of following through with the club near my back, I'm just not sure how to go about fixing this, but its quite frustrating... my tee shots are now looking like huge slices, or very short pull slices, advice appreciated, thank you
  14. its been forever since i had shanked anything and then.... i was at the chipping green the other day for a while hitting various flops and different shots ext..when i went to go take some full shots with my 60, i shanked multiple...i didnt do it at the course the next day but did it again at the chipping green last night..suggestions? or explanations?? thanks
  15. hey guys this thread goes out to fellow and past owners of this clubs as well as people who first transitioned from a cavity to blade. i went from cleveland cg golds to callaway x 20 tours. i decided id jump on a set of 695's when i found them pretty cheap on ebay. my iron play is my strength, and as ive jumped sets and dropped my handicap im feeling ever more confident but still a little nervous going to an mb club. id like to hear what curve others experienced, thank you!
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