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About chigolf07

  • Birthday 11/30/1981

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Your Golf Game

  • Index: 21.5
  • Plays: Righty

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  1. This really does suck that your car was damaged in that way. Everything time I drive down a specific road on the way to my local golf course, I wonder how often do cars get hit by errant balls. Frequent slicers hit off on the first tee that could easily hit oncoming traffic, but today was a little different. I went to the range this morning, and as I am approaching the parking lot (about 300 feet away), bounces on the right side of my car, flies across the windshield and hood, and bounces over to the other side. I was scared out of my mind that my windshield would be gone once it had been coming at me. Had I been in the truck or going 1MPH faster it would've been gone. I seriously could see the brand Callaway on the ball. The horrible thing is, this ball wasn't coming from the range, someone overshot #9 by 100+ yards to get in the road! And this is why I chose the farthest parking spot today.
  2. Same story here, was playing my home course today, being a tad slow on the front 9 but fast on the back and these two kids/teens (couldn't be more than 16 yrs) hit into us about 2 times and 2 times coming very close to myself. One of them that really pissed me off and could've knocked my leg cold dead (and something worse in between ). I was getting ready to tee off on the 14th, which runs parallel with the 13th with about 80 yards of water in between. This kid is about 150-170 from the hole (estimate) and he slices it onto our tee box and goes right through my two legs at big speed. A miracle that it didn't hit me.
  3. My #1 money pit would be flying (private pilot here), costs even more than golfing. Paid $7.10 per gallon of 100LL fuel to gas up my Cessna 182 today. Storage in the Chicago-area airports is expensive too (at Chicago Executive). At least I don't have to pay baggage fees everytime I take a trip! Don't mind it much because it is a ton of fun just to go up for a ride once in awhile, especially on a crisp Sunday morning.
  4. Off the tee, a 4 iron. At times, I'll use a 3 hybrid if I'm hitting it well beforehand.
  5. I am at an average 2.27 putts per hole (as measured by Oobgolf) so I am in the 40+ category. I am really trying to get it down to 2.0 even within the next 2 months as I am hitting the practice green every week and working for an hour on distance and accuracy.
  6. I agree with the previous poster - that the range is less stressful and is just practice. I try and practice on the grass tees when possible and work on accuracy, not worrying about distance.
  7. For my weekend rounds, where I play 18 with another person or as a foursome, I like to arrive about 1 hour early, as I hit the range on weekends (small bucket usually) and chipping area. During the week, where I go about 2-4 times playing 18 after work, I arrive about 15 minutes prior just to check the greens, practice putting, stretch, etc. No need to get there that early just to play a quick 18 or 9 on some days.
  8. Usually I plop my woods in the back dividers, long irons (3,4,5,6) in the 2nd row left divider, short irons (7,8,9) in the right 2nd row, and wedges and putter in the front.
  9. The 2nd day I was using my new Big Bertha irons this year, someone approached me (total stranger) and asked to try, specifically, my 7-iron out. I was like WTF? and then just decided to let him try it. He hit it twice, and happily thanked me. The other time I let someone borrow my old Cobra driver he broke the shaft from the head and had to replace the shaft for me. It was probably his first or second time golfing and I had no idea why I did it. We're still friends now and everything is fine - laugh about it to this day.
  10. Thanks for all the replies so far! I really have been eating better than last year and really hope to continue to do so. Things are always tempting, but you just have to have the strength to not go to them.
  11. Playing as a single is a great way to practice, try new things, and really work on your game. I just joined a local golf club, where it is $1,875 for the entire season and you can go out anytime, including weekends. A normal round costs around $45 I think, so to break-even on it I have to go about 1.5 times a week. I just joined mid-season and am planning on going 2-3 a week to work on it and practice, mostly being solo I think.
  12. I originally put in 151-200 last year when I started, as I was working with a stock set Wilson beginner clubs and did about 190. This year, I've been working a lot at it, got some new clubs, took a few lessons, and drive a little over 210 now. Miss-hits lose only about 10 yards, thanks to the r7! On really center hits, it can, at times, be 230. There's one hole on my home course where I get a great roll down when I get right center on the fairway and it takes it about 250-260 with an easy PW/9i to the hole.
  13. Thanks for the tips so far. I agree with dieting as well. I have been on a reduced-calorie and fat diet since the beginning of the year and have shaved off about 10 or so pounds, which isn't that bad for what I've been doing moderately. I would like to incorporate golf, and like someone said some weight training, to get near or under 200 by the end of the year. Thanks!
  14. I justed joined a club in my area (see sig) and as a beginner I want to incorporate 2 things into my practice, weight loss and, of course, game improvement. As a 25+ handicap, I plan to really work on my game by going nearly every day (as my work and condition allows) and walking the course (18 holes). Other than basic stretching techniques, what else does everyone recommend to lose weight (incorporated with golf) and for game improvement. Obviously be losing some weight (I'm 6'2" and about 235~), I can improve my game. Thanks in advance!
  15. Thanks for the replies so far. Something I am also thinking of working a lot on is distance, as my accuracy with drives and iron shots are great.
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