I worked at a couple of clubs here in Kansas city. Both have strict guidelines for pace of play. We were able to control pace most of the time. Every marshall has requested players play faster or move up a hole. The problem arises when player don't agree and then depending on the pro shop or who is in the shop, if action is taken. As well overbooking is a problem at times . Special guest are slipped in by the proshop, which causes grief to all involved. It really depends on the day and the type of player who is out on the course. Certainly some marshall are waiting to die, but more often it is the limitation of the proshop rules and what they are trying to achieve, business wise.
Remember our golf course have tried to become big business and their lies the rub.
I always tried to keep pace of play,but as a volunteer cetain things were outside my control. The change of Management also created a different personality at every course i have worked. The real unfortanate thing is at my courrent course no one ask what you scored for the day, but rather what was your total time to play.
Dirtfrmr..............a golfer who is always in the dirt........btw 7 handicap