Statistics in my opinion is book keeping, it works well in in hindsight. If you want something bad enough you will get it. Most guys that make it it's the mental drive that stands out. Naturally you have to be talented as a starting point - the reason why pros have "talent" IMO is because they started young and that "talent" is just a natural development of their growing ability- when your young the mind absorbs information rapidly, muscles are supple, joints are flexible, there is no fear and there is time and a safe environment to learn - ie no pressures of the daily grind to survive. Most of all it's fun. So many factors go into it after that. To be honest being a touring pro would be quite a challenging life style, lot of sacrifice, hotel rooms, missed cuts, etc. I watched the Australian open one year and was in awe of some of the players who were playing amazing golf shots, and were solid golfers most of which were out playing seasoned pros like Adam Scott. Then you find out one of them is a part-time plumber and makes less than 40K p/a on golf so they are in that tough position of following their dream or working as a plumber for close to 80-100k!