I bought the sg5 this summer and sold it a month later. Don't get me wrong...it was really cool and more of a toy than anything. The only problem is that for me, it was great on courses that I didn't play very often. On my home course, it did more harm than good. I am used to just hitting what I have all my life on the course I am most familiar with. The greatest advantage was under 100 yards where there is no marker to get yardage from. On the full shots, I found that I would talk myself into and out of bad shot decisions because I had too much information. The biggest thing I didn't like about it was that it took alot of the fun out of the game. Being able to decide on what type of shot to hit after deciding on the correct yardage on your own is alot of what makes golf fun for me.
It was a really cool toy though with all of that being said.