We had this guy at our club, big loud fella, you knew when he was around ! One competition day it's pouring down and people are dropping out like flies, even the club said it was up to individuals if they played. One of our tee time three ball had already phoned and pulled out which left me with the fella, all geared up in full waterproofs. I suggested I wasn't keen either, most players were calling it off, so he throws a strop and storms to the Pro Shop to look for players. He clearly was desperate to play and didn't want anything to stop him.
So I decided to do what I thought was the decent thing and said "Ok I'll get the gear out, let's go play" He stood waiting on the first tee and off we finally went. He was very poor company and it was soon apparent he was playing rubbish, it was obvious his game was not in good shape and not just because of the weather. So when we got to the ninth, after making all that fuss and I had come out, he decided he didn't want to carry on and suggested I see if the group behind would let me join them. And with that he walked off.
Some people are very selfish.