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About PuterPutter

  • Birthday 11/30/1947

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    Old Duffer

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  • Index: 13.8
  • Plays: Righty

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  1. These are still available. The grips are not new, but are playable. I will have to send you some pics later today. Thanks for looking.
  2. I have for sale a nice set of Ping Eye 2 Irons. Asking $200.00 shipped and paypaled to lower 48.
  3. I don't think anything can screw up my swing any more than it already is. (that ain't good english) I use the Wii to keep golf gods satisfied during the long winter.
  4. I pick one up a couple of months ago and now I like it. I took me at least 18 holes to get used to the extra padding. Now I like it better than the usual nike glove I was using. BTw, very durable.
  5. Bought a cleveland classic #1 two weeks ago and love it. My only problem is keeping my son's hands off of it. Guess I'll have to look for another one for him.
  6. You got me! I was, for the sake of discussion, trying to look at it in the best light possible. I am a big Kenny Perry fan, so I will admit there is some bias in my observation. But his actions do raise some suspicions. No matter what anyone thinks or says the final word is up to the officials. Like calling balls and strikes in MLB. There are rules spelled out in each sport, but there is also wiggle room brought in by every official, referee, umpire, etc. Now we can disagree with their ruling.
  7. Is he allowed to ground his club? If he is, then how many times is he allowed to ground his club? However, it does look as if he is tapping down the grass behind his ball. Then again maybe he was further behind the ball than the camera shows and he was testing the lie. Interesting video. Did he do anything wrong? Not according to the the officials and they have the final say.
  8. If you want to watch TGC go to www.veetle.com . Do the small download and then click on the pga championship link it is TGC. I think it is 24/7.
  9. Just quick questions. 1. Are you setting up with a closed face? 2. Do you draw or hook other irons? I played the 2008 Big Berthas for two years and they are very easy to set up with a closed face. The grip was screwing me up. I changed the grip to a wrapped grip and then all was fine.
  10. I played the Big Bertha Irons for two years and Have just recently switched to the Cobra S9 Irons. The S9's are not as forgiving as the Big Berthas but they are better for my game. I like the way the S9 sets up to my eye. Does not look like a large headed iron like the Big Bertha did. I think the S9 has greater feel. I give the S9 thumbs up over the Big Bertha.
  11. I wasn't looking for a new putter but found a new Cleveland Classic #1 for sale and took a chance. I really like the feel and the distance control. You might want to look at the Cleveland if you are on a budget.
  12. Canon City has a few interesting courses. I have played Four Mile Ranch and had a very enjoyable day. The group I play with also said Shadow Hills and Sumo Village are nice courses and will not break the bank.
  13. I am 5'10" and just got a 35 inch putter. I stand more erect and it allows me to view the line of the putt much better.
  14. Don't know if this has been posted before. 1400 feet vertical drop. 30 seconds for tee shot to hit green. Here there is a youtube link of harrington playing the hole, but I can't get it to show.
  15. I buy most of my stuff online. I live in a small town in the middle of the Rocky Mountains and nearest golf store is over 100 miles away. Only way out of our valley is over a snow packed pass or down a 50 mile canyon. Just suggesting to add "Online" to your survey.
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