I'm a CCW permit holder and I exercise my rights every day. I carry with me basically everywhere I go, aside from places that are illegal to carry such as bars. I elect not to carry on the course just because I don't like having anything on me while swinging, but I certainly don't have an issue with those that do. In fact, taking my gun with me in my bag probably wouldn't be a bad idea. I likely will continue to leave mine locked away in a box in my truck though while on the course just so I don't have to worry about kids or anyone messing with it.
Some people will never understand why others feel the need to carry a weapon. After all, that's what the cops are for, right? Others, like myself, elect to have the added assurance that we can protect our families in the event that the police can't make it in time. By choosing this route though, it brings an additional level of responsibility to your everyday life. By choosing to be a licensed carrier, you are now under a responsibility to avoid escalating any conflict at all. IMO, drawing your weapon on a person without the intention of firing is rarely a good idea, and thus the only time you would draw would be with intent to eliminate a deadly threat. Some states require you to attempt to retreat before taking action and some don't. My state does not, but even still if a witness says that I was escalating the situation and then later used lethal force, this case just got much more murky in terms of legality.
I obviously hope to never have to put my license to use. If I do though, my plan is to make it very clear that I am trying to avoid this conflict and will do so in a loud and public manner so that if there are any witnesses then it will be clear who is the instigator. That way if the situation escalates to the point where lethal force is necessary, the story should tell that I was innocent. There needs to be no "macho" or "protector" ego associated with being a CCW permit holder. That will do nothing more than land you in jail.