Hello from Raleigh NC.
I've been playing golf off-n-on for about 25 years but pretty regularly for the last ten. I typically shoot low to mid 80's but this year I'm on a mission to improve. Trouble is I'm a slow learner, LOL.
I bought a 5-pack of lessons and I've done two so far this year. My goal was to learn how to shape the ball as this was something I've never been able to do. I figured the first lesson or two would be fine tuning my swing then the remainder of the lessons would be on shaping the ball flight. Well, I showed up for the first lesson hitting the ball fairly well for a mid-January afternoon. At least that's what I thought. Then, I saw the video and I didn't even recognize myself. Awful take-away, no weight transfer, slight reverse C and a bit of chicken wing added in for good measure. It's a miracle I was able to hit the ball.
Fixing the take-away was set as priority #1 and I was given some drills to help this area. I dutifully hit the range about 2x's a week for about 6 weeks then went back for lesson #2. I was sure I had it nailed and had solved ALL of my faults. In my 'minds-eye,' I now had a PGA swing. Again the video told a different story. In reality, I had only made a minor improvement of the take-away and the rest was still pretty much crap. More homework was assigned and it was back to the range. Only now as I've learned that my minds-eye is a big liar I video myself each session. Progress is a bit slow but I feel that my methods are sound and the effort is there. I guess this means that somewhere down the road after all my other issues worked out I'll start working on shaping shots.
Hello again and I look forward to contributing to the community and using it as a learning resource.