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Everything posted by Chi_Chi

  1. Broke my arm mini golfing
  2. Digger/ Picker with low trajectory.
  3. Did you happen to know a guy with the last name Crowner at Grand Valley. I think he played golf there during that time...
  4. I thought so. Well the reason is I was playing in a hs golf match this week and none of my partners ever did, and when I put my ball in my pocket he gave me a look. Didn't bother me though because i knew i was right but just confirming it.
  5. it in your pocket while you read the green and such? Like in a tournament or match...
  6. Woah...I do the exact same thing.
  7. True! I think i'll stay with my regular shaft for now.
  8. Ok thanks for the advice guys. I just bought a Cleveland Hibore XL with a gold fujikara shaft. Wondering if this was the right choice. hmm... may have to reconsider.
  9. Sounds like a great price for any driver, let alone a titleist.
  10. I have a quick question: What is the difference between the mid slant Scotty putters and the "regular" Scotty's?
  11. Its super low quality too so i dont know if you can take anything from it but anything is appreciated. http://s200.photobucket.com/albums/a...0727081709.flv
  12. Yeah ill upload it right now
  13. Anyone have any comments?
  14. Thank you! For my HS golf team we normally only play 9 holes during practice so this is what I needed.
  15. Looks kinda nifty. I thought I saw Ian Poulter using something like this today at the PGA and then saw this: http://digg.com/golf/INGENIOUS_Scott...lf_Ball_Marker
  16. scores? I know about scorecard but if there is a good one free that would be better. Thanks
  17. Hey thanks guys. That helped a lot. I will definitely try them out next time I play.
  18. And can anyone give some feedback if you have played them. Thanks!
  19. I know I can't wait to see it in person...maybe even play one of the courses at the Broadmoor some day
  20. I'm excited . They are playing at Broadmoor in Colorado Springs, about 20 minutes from my house. My dad has a ticket, and i just found out that kids 17 and under get in free with an adult who has a ticket...good deal . Anyone follow the senior tour much?
  21. Thank you. I'm new to this stuff lol.
  22. Here is a slow motion video of me swinging my driver. I would like comments telling me what is wrong with my swing or what can I improve on..etc. Anything is appreciated. Thanks in advance. I apologize for the poor quality. http://s200.photobucket.com/albums/a...0727081710.flv
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