The only reason that you take exception with any statement about stack and tilt is because you are into it now. There was a time, it seems, that you weren't into it, and if any person was to read your past statements about the subject they would get a completely different view than you have right now.
I don't give a rats ass what kind of swing you are into. I just can't believe how upset you are getting over this subject. We can debate forever different swing philosophies, and tournament wins against Major Tournament winners until hell freezes over. It will not change the fact that this new fad has yet to produce any significant amount of wins, per percentage playing it, than any other type of golf swing.
Go back to my original post and re-read it. It was a statement made after reading a article today on Golf Magazine on-line. They made the same statement! They did not try to debate the fact that other pros from different swing gurus also did not make the final stage in Q School. Maybe you should contact Plummer and have him contact Golf Magazine and ask for a rebuttal!!
I don't know about others that read, or are members of this forum, but I have seen several occasions on this forum where you call people out for not agreeing with you to some existent, and that is totally wrong.
I hope that I never leave anyone with the impression that I even remotely know everything there is about the golf swing, but I know one thing.
YOU ARE AN As*Hole!!!