just to respond to all the noble platitudes such as "play it as it lies" or "golf is supposed to be hard" as if those are some kind of standards the rules are based on: if those tenets were set in stone, no one would play golf. there is always a constant struggle between making a game challenging but also maintaining its competitiveness. notice in golf how those ideas of "play it as it lies" suddenly go out the window when we reach the green. ever wonder why that is? is it because there is some inherently holy quality about short cut grass that we are entitled to a perfect shot at the cup? obviously that's silly. it's because a ball mark in the line to the hole or a patch of mud on the ball makes it too difficult (as "we" have all agreed upon as too difficult i should say) to play the game in any competitive way. that logic can be extrapolated out into situations between tee and green, as we see with temporary obstructions, sprinkler heads, etc...